Daruk's Protection

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Link looked towards Death Mountain. It was the next place he had marked on his map. Pulling out an elixir he had gotten from a woman at the sable, he went for it. He glided over the base of Death Moutain until his altitude was lost. When that happened, he continued on foot, finding himself facing every sort of monster resistant to fire along the way. 

Finally, he came upon mining grounds. It was there that he met up with Gorons and a man who was desperate to catch fireproof lizards. It was because of that man's inability to capture the lizards that Link was able to survive the rest of the journey because the man gave Link fireproof armor in thanks.

From then on, things went smoothly except when the mountain rumbled, tossing large sizzling rocks down the steep. Getting closer to Goron City, a mechanical howl roared from Death Mountain. Being closer to the mountain, Link saw Rudania scaling the summit of the mountain. Its feet blazed with flames as it marched around, splashing lava.

Once the quakes settled, Link continued on his way. Watching the entrance was a Goron who had a great big smile. As Link approached, he was surprised to be greeted by name. In fact, I was shocked as well. No Goron should have lived long enough to know Link personally. At least, I was certain there wouldn't be as many as there were of the Zoras.

"Well, lookee here . . . Welcome, Master Link!" he said merrily.

"How did you know?" he asked.

The Goron looked at him in puzzlement, "What do ya mean? More importantly, I hope ya made it past all those magma bombs without injury! To be honest, we haven't had too many visitors here since those magma bombs started fallin' from the sky. I'd be bored to tears if I didn't pass the time pretendin' to greet the long lost Hylian Champion, heh."

I smiled. That explained the confusion. The Goron proceed to tell Link about well . . . Link. Of course, the conversation ran dry, and he told Link to see the boss over Goron City if he wanted to know more. That happened to be just the person he needed to find.

The boss went by the name Bludo. Apparently, he and another Goron had to continuously drive Rudania back but Bludo hadn't seen the other Goron, Yunobo, since the kid went looking for painkillers. Link agreed to help find the young Goron.

After traveling through Goron City, Link reached the abandoned North Mine. It was left behind for a good reason as lava covered most of the area along with monsters. And just Link's luck, Yunobo was last seen going into the vault in the highest peak across the river of lava.

Slowly, Link made his way to the vault, figuring out how to use the cannons scattered along the path. The vault Yunobo was in had been blocked off by a magma bomb, so Link used one of the cannons to free him. After the shot was fired, Link quickly went to the vault to see if the Goron was alright. The young Goron was crouched down, shaking. I immediately noticed the blue garment tied around Yunobo's back.

Yunobo turned around to see Link standing there. To my surprise, he started running around in circles in a complete panic. Finally, he took another look at Link to see that he wasn't a monster. He relaxed and Link was able to tell him that it was safe and his boss was looking for him.

I could only smile at Yunobo's pink cheeks and how spooked he was. He truly was related to Daruk without a doubt. It made me wonder if Daruk looked anything like Yunobo when he was younger.

Soon, both Link and Yunobo left the mines. Being a Goron, Yunobo was able to get back to Goron City much faster. By the time Link arrived, the painkillers had been safely delivered and Yunobo had gone to attack Rudania.

"I mean no disrespect to Daruk's legacy, but if I'm not there to give that Rudania a good walloping . . ." Bludo said before Link cut him off.


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