Too Far...For Now?

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"So, how are things going with Mr. Dreamy?" Noel asked taunting me about Keondre.

I rolled my eyes at her and didn't say anything for a few seconds. "I think things are going pretty good. He seems like a much better guy than Thomas, so that's certainly a good thing. How are things going for you with that friend of his?"

Noel just shrugged. "Nothing's really happening. We've hung out a few times, but I'm not sure either of us are really into each other, but we have fun so I don't truthfully care."

I nodded at her and then went back to trying to do my homework. Noel had surprised me by coming over out of the blue during about the only time that I had to do homework and study so it blew everything out of whack and I had to do my homework while she was over, despite the fact that I didn't want to do that and act like I was ignoring her. Not that I sure it mattered, she seemed to spend so much time on her phone I wasn't sure if she really even noticed at what points I was in her presence and what points I wasn't.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard Noel go and lay down on my bed. I didn't really know why and I couldn't focus on that because I was trying to do my homework and I didn't need any more distractions.

"Come over here Promise. You need to take a break from your homework."

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to work later and I need to get this done before I got to work. Please don't put so much pressure on me. I will when I'm done."

Noel moaned in displeasure, but said she understood and went back to doing whatever it was that she was doing, every once in a while commenting on how much she wanted to talk or do something and not just sit around while I was doing my homework.

After about another half hour or so, I finally finished and turned around to see Noel staring right at me. "What?" I was suddenly self-conscious of myself as I looked over my appearance to see what she could possibly be looking at and smiling about.

"Oh, nothing. I was just looking. I like that blouse, so I was just looking it over. I was bored so I was watching you and then when you turned around, I saw it and I stared."

I looked Noel in the eyes and I could tell that she was hiding something. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I had to admit that I was certainly curious. "Whatever."

I made my way over to the bed and jumped up. I made it look like I was going to take a big leap and land on her, but I didn't and ended up landing on her anyways because she had rolled to the front edge of the bed to try to avoid what she thought was going to be going to the far edge of the bed.

"Damnit Promise." Noel said, half laughing as she got out from under me and moved closer to the wall.

"Hey. Don't blame me. You're the one who moved. I wasn't going to land on you until you moved."

Noel rolled her eyes at me. "You make me crack up. You really are a strange girl and quite different from me, but that's probably why you're such a great friend." Noel looked at me. "So. When are you going to be seeing Keondre next."

"What is it with you and poking around in my life?" Noel shrugged and gave me her innocent look, which clearly showed her guilt. "And I'm seeing him tomorrow. Apparently he's doing some surprise so I don't know exactly what we're doing."

"Cool. Surprises are pretty awesome. Are you excited about it?"

"Yeah, but it's a bit nerve racking. I'm not big on surprises, especially from someone I'm just getting to know. They make me really nervous."

"You'll be fine Promise. He's not going to hurt you or anything like that. Just go along. I'm pretty sure he's going to do something that will make you happy. He always seems to." She smiled at me.

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