Life hacks!!!

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Hey guys! Today I am going to share with you some good old life hacks. The best part about giving you guys a life hacks chapter is that they never get old! You can always use new life hacks!! (Plus if you already didn't know I make these life hacks that I use in my everyday life or life hacks I have recently discovered) So enjoy!!

~ To make your phone screen on your iPhone even darker go to general then accessibility then zoom. Once you tap zoom it will obviously zoom in (remember you can control the zoom by tapping the screen with three fingers twice) then scroll down to filter and pick low light. Boom. Darker screen.
~ Can't get a bad taste out of your mouth? Lemonade or lemons work perfectly. Acidic flavors completely get rid of any taste you had before and leave you with the acidic flavor.
~ No floss? No problem. If you have something in your teeth in public you can simply drink water. Slushing it around in there gets mostly everything out and then you can just swallow it.
~ I have this problem a lot but if you are washing your face or doing your makeup and you are wearing a headband (not a wired one, a fabric one that goes around your entire head) and the headband just isn't tight enough to hold you hair back then I have the solution. Grab a chunk of the headband and make a pony tail or bun, making sure you are putting that section into the pony tail. This makes the headband super tight and secure until you take out the ponytail or bun.
~ Summer is here. (Finally) however summer comes with mosquito and bug bites. If you have a bug bite that itches like crazy take a hot spoon (poor boiling hot water onto the spoon until it becomes hot) and apply it to the bite. It soothes itches and reduces swelling and redness.
~ Got shoes that are too big for you? Take a pair of socks and put one sock in each shoe by the heel of be shoe. It fills in the space by the heel you are missing and if you are missing space by the toes just fold the sock to fit the top part of the shoe.
~ Socks or slippers too slippery? Use hot glue to make strips across the bottom of the sock or slipper. Once they dry, they now have more friction on hard wood or tile, making them slip proof.
~ If you don't have any shaving cream use hair conditioner, yes HAIR CONDITIONER to shave your legs. They allow you to see where you left off shaving, since it isn't transparent AND it leaves you legs silky soft once you get out of the shower.
~ Take an old card of any kind and clean the clumps out of the bristles of your mascara. Prevents less clumps from getting in your eyelashes. (I know most of you do it on the side of the top of the tube however this gets the mascara tube dirtier quicker.)
~ If there are tons of dirt and scratches on your glasses use windex! Windex is for glass and there is glass in glasses!
~ To take off any dry, peeling skin off you lips and you don't have lip balm use tap! Oddly enough it works.
~ Lint rollers are able to get off some pet hair!!!! It works for most pet hair and most clothing. Try it out!!
~ Wrap a rubber band tightly at the bottom of your toothpaste tube. As it gets more empty, push the rubber band up more towards the opening so you end up pushing out all the toothpaste and not wasting any or struggling to get every last ounce out of the tube.
~ Lotion is an awesome hair detangler!! Plus it make your hair smell good! However rinse it out once you get the knot out of your hair so your hair isn't too oily.
~ Use a sewing needle to clear the insides of your ear buds. Trust me, you need to clean them, the are going in your ears and they get dirty quickly. I know it's a little tmi but it a needle scraps out any ear wad building up inside the earbuds. Make sure to clean them!!
~ Rinsing your mouth with salt water helps any type of bleeding gums and also helps with bad breath.

I hope you enjoyed those life hacks!!! Leave a comment to which one you liked the best or which one was the most helpful!! Make sure to also let me know more chapter suggestions!!! I love reading your comments and taking your suggestions!!! See you guys soon!!!

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Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!
The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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