Tips on how to ace your finals!!!

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Hey guys!! Today I am going to share with you some tips on how to ace your finals! Unfortunately, finals are right around the corner and it is time to get your study on! These tips are based off of my study habits that I have acquired over my years in school and they haven't failed me yet. Besides, it is never too late to learn some new study hacks in order to pass. I hope these tips help you as much as they have helped!!!

1. Repetition is key. Reading lines or definitions over and over and over and over again helps you remember. It's literally a fact. So when you make yourself a study guide or read your notes do it constantly. Read each line like three times slowly then go to the next line.
2. Stay organized. You have to take a lot of VERY HARD tests. Study according to your test schedule and do not wait until the last minute to go crazy studying the subject. Study a little bit three days before, study for at least 15 minutes two days before and then the day before JUST STUDY. It pays to be organized and to review accordingly.
3. Underline and bullet point. This is a HUGE ONE. Notes can always be organized in a fashion where important notes and information can be organized into underlined information and bullet points. It helps keeps your focus on the subject and is straight to the point. It also helps for easy memorization.
4. Keep your focus. If listening to music helps you, then do it. If you need silence, study in the quiet. Do things that will keep your focus in an environment that is comfortable for your needs. Very important or else you will NOT study properly or you will be very distracted.
5. MAKE STUDY GUIDES. I cannot stress this enough. This keeps you the most organized and if you use Quizlet like I do there are online flash cards and games that will help you a ton with memorization.
6. Practice makes perfect. In math or languages where you need to actually work instead of memorize of bunch of stuff you need to practice beforehand. If you just study the steps and examples you won't remember each step exactly. By practicing it, the steps will just go become engraved in your head without thinking twice about it.
7. Lastly, YOU GOT THIS. CONFIDENCE BABY. if you think you are going to fail, you will fail. Have high standards, but don't be too hard on yourself. You have to believe you can do it and when you believe you can, somehow you will do great. If you are unsure about a question, just hope for the best. And remember if you think it was hard, you NEVER KNOW. I thought I failed a test many times and I ended up doing great on them. Confidence. Confidence. Confidence.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I appreciate every one of you and I hope you remember that. Make sure to leave chapter suggestions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS BOOK SO THEY CAN LEAVE ME CHAPTER SUGGESTIONS. I MEAN IT. And of course good luck on all of your exams. I know you guys can do it.

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Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!
The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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