The life of a theater kid

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HEY GUYS! Today I am going to describe to you the life of a theater kid. Being in shows and performances is a lot harder than you might think and in a way it is kind of interesting. So today I am going to talk about what's it's like being a theater kid, especially close to the performance day.

My day normally starts off like any other. Getting ready for the day while lyrics upon lyrics race through my head. I go to school like all go you do but once that's out of the way it is time for my hectic schedule.  

Then I usually go in the auditorium of my school or a restaurant near my school and go do my homework and get something to eat before after school practice. Sometimes I go home if the practice is later at night but normally I stay after school.

Practice is always sooo much fun. We will choreograph, sing and say our lines until we get it right. It is really fun until our director yells at us for one reason or another. Once we really get into the show it becomes more surreal to us.

Sooner or later you begin to memorize your lines. You then begin to memorize everyone else's lines. Then you know the whole show forwards and backwards. You sing every song backstage when you aren't preforming and make inside jokes only the cast will understand.

Once our costumes come, the show automatically becomes harder. Having really big costumes are rough sometimes and currently I'm in a show where I wear a LEATHER SUIT.  Still, costumes are so fun to look at and first try on.

Then comes the day of the show. You don't get stage fright since you've been doing this for years and years. But you are sill a little nervous for how the show is going to go. Once you go on stage you don't want to leave. You love the audience's enthusiasm and never want it to end.

Then I become depressed the moment the show is over. I keep singing the songs over and over in my head and miss my amazing cast mates. I have a show to preform TONIGHT and it's opening night. All theater kids will understand. Well, wish me luck!!!

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Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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