Things all single girls can relate to

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Hey guys! Today I am going to make a list of all thing single girls can relate to. It is completely okay that you aren't in a relationship, however it does have some cons that come with it. If you relate to any of these things make sure to vote and comment on this chapter.

~ Being alone on Valentine's Day and signing at every single couple. Every. Single. Year.

~ Let's also mention the fact that we single gals will buy ourselves chocolate covered strawberries and or candy and people will think it's weird on Valentine's Day. And then you get the stares.......

~ Not having anyone to cuddle with when you REALLY NEED COMFORTING AND CUDDLING.

~ Third wheeling is THE WORST. I can go on and on about third wheeling. Like it never happens on purpose and then it's awkward the entire time and UGGGGHHHHH.

~ Having no New Years Eve kiss.

~ Fantasizing about you meeting the perfect guy all the time and it being so unrealistic all it needs is a cheesy title and it's a 4 to 5 star romantic comedy of the year.

~ Giving your friends the absolute best dating advice and you wishing you can use it on yourself.

~ Having to listen to your friends CONSTANT mention of their boyfriends/girlfriends on a day to day basis.

~ Watching love movies and praying that every movie you watch will happen to you one day.

~ Also after watching the movie you remember how lonely you are.

~ Never having a date to any school dances or events.

~ Eating our BY YOURSELF. Or even getting take out for one. This sucks.

That is it for things every single girl can relate to. Make sure to vote and on this chapter and comment below up coming chapter suggestions. ALSO follow me on twitter (DifferentGirl_ 2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl).

Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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