My feelings on Easter 🐰

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Hey guys! Today I am going to share my feelings on Easter and the entire season of Easter. I hope that you guys can relate to this chapter and if you like it make sure to vote on it.

First of all I am Catholic which means I celebrate the Easter season and Lent. If you do know celebrate Easter and do not understand what it means then look it up. I'm super bad at explaining things.

So normally every Easter Sunday I go to my Aunt and Uncle's house. It is basically a holiday of eating chocolate bunnies and extra sweets that one really needs. I somewhat enjoy it, however I could easily live without Easter. However, because it is a part of my religion I do love the holiday.

If this isn't obvious enough, on Easter Sunday there is always an Easter mass. And it does not matter WHERE YOU GO BUT IF YOU GO TO EASTER MASS IT IS PACKED. And I mean packed. It is sooo hard to get a seat and you will most likely end up sitting next to a stranger that will make you uncomfortable. Unless you convince your family to sit at the end of the pew. Then you are absolutely lucky. The Easter mass also takes ten times longer than a normal mass due to the amount of people there and how all of them have to receive the Eucharist. If you go to an Easter mass at 9:00 o'clock in the morning do not except to get out of that Church until at least 10:30 the earliest.

Now I don't know how your family is but in my family I believed in the Easter bunny until I was around 10 years old. In my house, the Easter bunny would hide eggs filled with coins around the house. The bigger eggs were for my older brother and I and the smaller eggs were for my younger sister. We would also get Easter baskets filled with little presents for us. For example, I got a chocolate bunny, a wallet, shoes, etc. Simple things under 25 dollars. And I LOVE THE EASTER BASKETS. Probably more than the eggs. I was so sad when last year my little sister stopped believing in the Easter bunny. Now we won't do any of that stuff. I don't even think my mom is giving us Easter baskets. My lesson for you all is to STAY YOUNG AND INNOCENT.

In my family we would also dye Easter eggs in different vibrant colors and eat them hard boiled on Easter morning. I still love doing that. I don't know what it is about coloring Easter eggs but it is super fun. And I'm almost 16 years old. The only thing I didn't like about coloring eggs is when the dye would get on my fingers. If any of your dye anything BE CAREFUL. YOU WILL HAVE RAINBOW FINGERS FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS.

That's really all my feelings on Easter. I do enjoy the masses during the Easter season, especially on Palm Sunday because I am THE EXPERT ON MAKING PALM CROSSES. If you guys want a chapter or tutorial next year on how to make palm crosses, comment that down below.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did make sure to vote and comment below any Easter traditions your family has. Make sure to follow me on Twitter (DifferentGirl_2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl)

Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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