Things all people who LOVE SLEEP can relate to!!😴

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Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about things all people who love sleep can relate to. I am one of those people who absolutely loves sleep and will to sleep over so socializing any day. So to all the sleepyheads out there this chapter is for you.

😴 Pretending to still be asleep just so you don't have to start your day.
😴 Your bed is the first thing you go to when you go home.
😴Wrapping yourself like a burrito when you sleep.
😴 Only having two meals a day. Dinner and Brunch, since you aren't awake all day to have a full three meals.
😴 Mushing yourself in between your pillows just because you can.
😴 Covering every part of your body with blankets like Mother Teresa.
😴 Staying up all night cause you sleep all day.
😴 Having different sleeping positions for different parts of the night.
😴 Making your own mold into your bed since you lay there for so long.
😴 Stretching out of bed so hard it hurts
😴 Being so tired all the time even though you've been sleeping for 9 hours.
😴 Waking up to marks all across your arms and legs. Now that is what I call a good night's sleep.
😴 Having the worst bed head when you wake up.
😴 Falling asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.
😴 Doing EVERYTHING on your bed. From homework, to going online, to reading, to eating.
😴 Finding random things in your bed that you have no clue how it got there.
😴 Missing your bed like you miss your friend.
😴 Telling someone you can't hang out because you know you aren't going to be awake and ready by then.

So those are things all people who love sleep can relate to. If you love sleep like I do, give this chapter a vote and comment down below what time you go to sleep. For me it's around 10:30. Subscribe to me on my YouTube channel (The Different Girl) and follow me on Twitter (DifferentGirl_2)

Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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