Acne hacks!

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Hey guys!! Today I am going to share with you some hacks to help get rid of your acne. It really sucks to have acne sometimes and everyone needs some quick fixes to at least minimize the look of your zits. Today I am some great hacks that are sure to help conceal all those gross dots on your face. Please keep in mind  some cases of acne a really serious that you should see a doctor for so also keep that in mind for a lot of these hacks as well.

- Aloe gel: Apply this to every zit you have is like applying a mask on your face. I'm hardens a few minutes after application and dries your pimple out. Do this on a daily basis and you will defiantly see results.

- Crushed Advil and water: If you need a huge zit to go away in one day then this hack has got you covered. Crush one or two Advil pills and add a tiny bit of water to create a paste. Apply this on your blemishes a few times during the course of the day, leaving it on for 5 minutes at max each time you do so. This decreases the size of your zit and redness so that by the next day it is easier to cover it up with makeup.

- Pepto bismol: Applying a very small amount of this on really red zits reduces the side effects of the zit. You have to be very careful because it can also irritate open it's that you've popped before so use this with caution and it should work perfectly.

- Erasing your blackheads: I have to credit RcLBeauty101 for this one but it ACTUALLY WORKS REALLT WELL. Take a pink razor that's decently clean and start racing your blackheads. The white residue left behind on either your nose or the research isn't a razor shaving but it is your blackheads. At most do this once a week because it can cause irritation to the skin around the blackhead but because blackhead have lead in it a racers pick it up and remove it with ease.

- Ice cubes: To reduce the redness and irritation of any pimple take an ice cube and put it on your pimple in circular motions. Do this for 2 to5 minutes to each individual blemish you wish. This hack is dermatologist recommended and if you do this at least once a day, should make the blemishes go down and swelling and be easy to cover up with make up.

- Ease off of makeup: I know it's tempting to just cover up all of your acne spots however it isn't necessarily the best thing for you. I only cover up the ones that are horrendous and can be seen easily by everyone else. Others blemishes I let stay make up free. Anytime you aren't going out in public DO NOT wear any make up of any kind. Make up does clog your pores and the less make up you wear each day, the quicker the process of getting rid of your acne will be.

- GET OUT IN THE SUN: The sun is proven to get rid of a lot of zits. Direct heat and sunlight will dry out your pimples and eventually will make them easier to just wash off when you wash your face. When pimples dry up, they turn into scab like dots on your face. It isn't necessarily good to pick it off but it is better to pick it off when it's dry rather than when the pass is still inside and your pimple is "wet" or not dry. So get outside and sit in the sun for maybe 20 minutes a day at most so you do not get dehydrated.

- HAVE A SKIN NIGHTIME ROUTINE: This is probably the most important hot I can give you but having a skin care night routine will 100% help with getting rid of acne. I started to purchase Clean and Clear Products and begin to use it every single night. One is a night time face wash to get rid of any dirt left over from the day and it helps me wine down night. The second thing I use is an acne cleanser with benzoyl peroxide inside which is Dermatologist recommended acne care treatment. I do both of those things every night and it has helped me completely reduce down my acne and I have not looked so good in a really long time. So make a skin routine that works for you. I prefer the night time but it is really your preference and if you have really bad acne you should first see a dermatologist before you purchase anything completely serious. Clean and Clear is a brand that anyone can use if they really just want to get rid of your acne at home.

So that is it for my acne hacks. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did make sure to vote and comment down below what day you start school (back to school chapters coming extremely soon) Make sure to follow me on twitter (DifferentGirl_2) if you haven't already, there is A LOT OF INTERESTING STUFF ON THERE. Including the fact that David Dobrik liked my tweet but that isn't important now 🙈 Also subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl) to watch me make videos that are the same thing as these chapters.

Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo

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