My feelings on Valentine's Day ❤️

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Hey guys! Today I am going to share my feelings on Valentine's Day. The day where lovers show the most PDA out of the entire year. Sooo let's talk about this lovely day that reminds you that you have no one in your life.

First of all, the amount of PDA is RIDICULOUS. I find it really cute at some points but if you have been cuddling in front of me for over 5 minutes that is TOO MUCH. I don't need to watch that ish. Like I see your PDA every day too much already. YOU NEED TO STOP NOW.

Secondly, I hate it when everyone gets each other something and you get NOTHING. Honestly can't someone give a girl a box of chocolate? A cookie? A HUG? Nope. Some girls luckily have an exception (myself included today) where someone gets you something and it's worth EVERYTHING TO YOU. So for those nice people in the world. Thank you.

Thirdly, why is it weird when you buy yourself gifts and food? So many people judge you and you're just like "Well if you had gotten me food to be nice this wouldn't be happening." Then when you eat the food you get fat and have to lose weight and we all know how fun that is.

Lastly, I don't like the people that constantly say I hate Valentine's Day. Yeah yeah I am being a tiny bit of a hypocrite but this is different. I am talking about the people who talk about not having someone constantly, hating on everyone and being so depressed. I don't let this day ruin my...... well..... DAY. So yeah if you don't like it great just don't say it constantly.

That's it. Hope you just enjoyed this quick little chapter/rant. I hope all of you had a decent Valentine's Day and wish you all the happiness you ever want. Vote and comment on this chapter if you can relate to it. Follow me on Twitter (DifferentGirl_2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl)

Stay beautiful, stay you and I love you.

The Different Girl, staying the same Xoxo.

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