Chapter 18

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PopRock and FuzzySpleen of the ShadowClan smelt trouble and they weren't even near the clan's litter-outhouse.

"Duh, what if it's an enemy from one of the other clans?" FuzzySpleen croaked.

"Then there will be dark forest to pay," PopRock retardedly retorted.

"I'm scared."

"Pull yourself together. We have a duty as perimeter patrol cats."

"We do?"

"Yes, and that means that being afraid is no longer an option, so stop being frightened right now!" PopRock screamed at his junior partner. FuzzySpleen nodded with fear of disappointing his friend.

Hiding in the nearby brambles was The Hero and the four kits.

"I don't think they're gonna help us," JeromeKit United stated.

"Yeah, Shadowclan is full of nasty mouse-brained stinkers," LuckyKit added.

"And they annoy me too," ToolKit subtracted.

"We have no other option," replied The Hero heroically. "You three wait here while I bring BlueKit to them."

While PopRock and FuzzySpleen were doing their best impersonations of patrollers, they noticed an intimidating silhouette approaching from the left.

"Halt you criminal!" PopRock shrieked.

"I come in peace," The Hero called out. "I have an injured kit who needs help."

"Where did you come from?" PopRock demanded.

"We come from the future," The Hero answered.

"Makes sense," shrugged FuzzySpleen.

"No it doesn't," scolded PopRock. "Why would they come from the future just for medical attention? Surely they have made medical advances beyond what our little minds can comprehend."

"Point taken," FuzzySpleen nodded. "But what in the dark forest are you talking about?"

"There's no need to curse. And there's also no need to say 'point taken' when you don't understand the point at hand."

"Point taken."



"Listen," sighed The Hero. "This kit needs help soon. Can you please bring us to your medicine cat?"

"What's in it for us?" FuzzySpleen asked.

"I'll show you my time machine."

The two patrollers jumped with excitement and led The Hero into their camp while the other three kits remained hidden from sight.

As the patrollers flanked The Hero the Shadowclan cats stuck their heads out of their dens and watched The Hero very closely as he was brought to the medicine cat, GreyFace.

"What have we here?" The wise medicine cat asked. "The little one smells like a Thunderclan kit."

"Nope; they're from the future," FuzzySpleen informed him. But GreyFace was too clever to buy this discounted lie.

"Forgive my patrollers," GreyFace told The Hero. "They are... How to put this politely... extremely freaking stupid."

"Yeah, I noticed that," replied The Hero.

"As for your little friend, I'm afraid I cannot help you. Thunderclan is our enemy. For you to even be here is a breach of our treaty."

"Please. He's just a kit."

"And if he dies that is one last warrior for us to battle. Now leave before I have you slain. You're just lucky that our warriors are out hunting."

Just as The Hero was about to leave a wild panic erupted from the back of the camp.

"Twolegs!" screamed a terrified cat as she sprinted through the camp.

The twolegs came into the camp with nets trying to capture as many cats as they could.

"I bet you're glad that you're leaving now," GreyFace told The Hero.

"I'm not leaving. Fighting is all I know how to do," responded The Hero as he put BlueKit into a safe hiding spot and braced himself for battle.

The Hero attacked one of the twolegs using battle techniques the tribe had never seen before. The Hero singlehandedly took down the first twoleg and was preparing himself to deal with the wrath of the other two, when suddenly the Shadowclan warriors charged the twolegs and sent them fleeing.

"Who is this loser?" DouglasPaw asked GreyFace while pointing an accusing paw at The Hero.

"He's just a traveler." answered GreyFace. "And he saved the camp before you arrived. He will be leaving just as soon as I've helped his little friend."

Warriors: Quest for the Enchanted Ball of Yarn: book 1 - the scratcheningDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora