Chapter 17

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Killer squirrels didn't only annoy cats from the past, they also irritated the four kits with their friend The Hero.

BlueKit's mind was swirling. As if it wasn't enough that he had to deal with JeromeKit's prickliness, LuckyKit's arrogance and ToolKit's grumpiness, fluffiness uand stupidness, he also had to lead them in battle against these nasty killer squirrels.

The group had barely had a chance to wake up when they were ambushed by the sassy creatures on the marshy path.

BlueKit was amazed by The Hero's skill in battle. It was both mesmerizing and terrifying. The Hero leapt, hissed, pounced and clawed their enemy expertly defeating one squirrel after another.

BlueKit fought the urge to stand idly by and watch the hero just the way that ToolKit would often fight the urge to think. Instead BlueKit did his best to battle a squirrel but the squirrel got the better of him and knocked him plum out of consciousness, as the others finished off the remaining squirrels.

"We have to get BlueKit to a medicine cat," The Hero pointed out.

"And get a sandwich too," baconned ToolKit.

LuckyKit's tail pricked up. "Where are we supposed to find a medicine cat? You said we're heading into ShadowClan territory."

"That's true," pondered The Hero. "Maybe we can find an apprentice medicine cat that's too stupid to know that we aren't from the area."

"Then lead the way racist," ordered JeromeKit.

As the part headed to the border of Shadowclan territory their pelts began to tingle with nervous tension knowing that if they were caught in this land they would be prisoned or something even worse. The Hero had BlueKit dangling limply on his back while the others marched single file behind.

"This is it," announced The Hero. "If we take one more step we will be on foreign soil."

"One time I foreign soiled my pants," ToolKit admitted.

"You don't even wear pants, stupid," LuckyKit said scornfully.

"Prove it," ToolKit stupided.

The Hero sighed and led the party into the Shadowclan territory where he hoped they could get BlueKit the help he needed before they ran out of time.

Warriors: Quest for the Enchanted Ball of Yarn: book 1 - the scratcheningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz