The truth

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Peter tried to stay calm as he held Edmund tightly around the waist.
Lucy's eyes went wide. "What happened?" She asked.
"I think he passed out." Peter said, the worry evident in his voice.
Susan took a deep breath before turning to the Narnians. "You can all leave now." She said before turning to the centaur. "And can you get rid of this body?" She asked, nodding her head at the dead wolf.
"Certainly your majesty." The centuar replied with a bow.
And with that everyone left the room, whispering amongst themselves about what had just happened.
Susan sighed as she turned back to her siblings, to find Edmund now sat in Peter's lap, head rested against his chest.
Peter stroked Edmund's fringe out of his eyes as he took hold of his hand.
Susan knelt in front of the two. "We should probably get him upstairs." She said. "Into bed."
Peter nodded in agreement as Susan placed the back of her hand to Edmund's forehead. "I'll go and find a damp flannel and a bowl of water." She said at feeling how hot her little brother was getting.
Peter once again nodded as he lifted Edmund off the ground and into his arms.
Edmund's head fell against his shoulder as he stood, causing Peter to actually check if he was still breathing.
"Peter." Susan said gently when she saw Peter look down at Edmund's chest. "He's breathing. Don't worry." She told him.
Peter looked up at her and nodded slowly.
"Come with me Lucy." Susan said, holding out her hand to her sister.
Lucy hesitantly took Susan's hand and the two went off to find a flannel.
Peter sighed as he carefully made his way up to his and his brothers room, being careful not to drop Edmund.
He finaly made it, and, kicking the door open quietly he walked across the room and layed Edmund down on the bed.
He sat beside his brother, pulling the covers over him and feeling his forehead again.
He sighed. Edmund's temperature was getting higher. He looked over to the door, waiting for Susan and Lucy.
They finaly arrived, Lucy carrying a flannel and Susan a bowl of water.
"We can't stay long." Susan said as she sat at the end of the bed. "We're needed for something. Mr.Tumnus just told us on the way up."
Peter nodded. "It's okay." He said. "I'm not going anywhere."
Susan smiled as she took the flannel from Lucy, who was staring at Edmund, eyes shining with unshed tears.
Susan placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly before wetting the flannel, wringing it and handing it to Peter.
Peter smiled in thanks as he pressed it against Edmund's forehead.
He mopped up the sweat before turning to Susan.
"We better go." She said. "We'll come back up as soon as we're free."
Peter nodded as he watched his sisters leave, Lucy casting one last glance at Edmund before shutting the door.
Peter took a deep breath as he turned to Edmund, continuing to dab his forehead with the wet flannel.
After a few minutes Edmund began to open his eyes. He whimpered slightly as his hand went straight to his forehead, placing it on Peter's hand.
Edmund looked to his side, where Peter was sat, an anxious look on his face.
Edmund frowned as he shifted slightly. "What?" He questioned, his voice cracking.
Peter sighed, removing the flannel. "You passed out." He told him.
At Edmund's frown Peter took a deep breath.
"Remember?" He said. "The wolf?"
Edmund's frown disappeared as he slowly nodded. "Yeah." He whispered.
Peter bit his lip as he helped Edmund sit up, propping him against the pillows.
Edmund fiddled with his sleeve as he sat there, waiting for the question that Peter was bound to ask.
"Edmund?" Peter said suddenly. "Was the wolf telling the truth?"
Edmund held his breath as he slowly nodded his head.
Peter sighed. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked sadly.
Edmund shrugged in reply. "Don't know." He mumbled.
Peter hesitated, staring at his brother, who's eyes were glued to the bed, fiddling with his sleeve. "Can-" Peter took a deep breath. "Can I see?"
Edmund froze.
"Ed?" Peter questioned, frowning.
Edmund looked slowly up at Peter. "Are you sure you want to?" He asked.
Peter took a deep breath. "Yes." He replied. "If it's alright with you?"
Edmund shrugged. "I suppose." He whispered.
Peter nodded, liking his lips as he watched Edmund. 
Edmund hesitantly pulled up the sleeve of his top, revealing teeth marks going up his arm.
Peter couldn't help the terrified gasp that escaped him as he caught sight of it.
Edmund's head snapped up at the gasp, holding his breath as he caught sight of the look on Peter's face.
His eyes had filled with tears, his eyes glued on Edmund's arm. "Oh Eddy." He whispered, voice cracking.
Edmund sighed. "Don't worry." He said. "They're healing."
Peter looked up at his brother.
"Slowly." Edmund added in a whisper.
Peter bit his lip. "Does it hurt?" He asked.
Edmund nodded. "Sometimes." He said.
"Yeah." Edmund whispered.
Peter sighed. "What about, you know-" Peter stopped.
"The claw marks?" Edmund said. "On my chest and back?"
Peter nodded slowly.
"They're still there." Edmund mumbled as he pulled off his top.
Peter held his breath as he saw the scratches on Edmund's chest. It was quite clear that they'd been made by the claws of a wolf.
Edmund looked up at Peter. "It's fine Pete." He said at seeing the tears in Peter's eyes. "Really."
Peter sighed. "You should've told me Ed." He said.
Edmund looked away guiltily. "Sorry." He mumbled.
Peter carefully pulled Edmund into a hug, holding him tightly around the shoulders. "It's alright Edmund." He whispered into his brothers ear.
Edmund smiled slightly as he rested his head against Peter's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Love you Ed." Peter whispered.
Edmund sighed warmly. "Love you too." He replied.


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