The wolf

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"So." Peter said, taking a deep breath. "Are you gonna come back downstairs?"
Edmund froze.
"I promise, if anyone even starts whispering-" Peter said firmly.
Edmund smiled slightly. "No one stands a chance against you when you're angry." He said.
Peter laughed. "Definitely not." He said. "So, you coming?"
Edmund nodded as he unwrapped his arms from around Peter's waist. "Yeah." He said.
Peter smiled as he stood, Edmund following. "Come on then." He said.
Edmund smiled as he followed Peter through the halls of Cair Paravel.
But, as they reached the doors to the throne room, he started to feel anxious.
"Ed?" Peter asked. "You okay?"
Edmund slowly looked up at him. "Hmm." He nodded.
Peter sighed. "Remember what I said."
Edmund nodded. "I know." He whispered.
Peter took a deep breath as he opened the doors. He walked inside, making sure Edmund was following before shutting them again.
He turned around to see every pair of eyes staring at him and his brother.
Edmund shifted from foot to foot as he stood behind Peter, staring down at the floor.
Peter looked around to him and gave him a reassuring nod when he looked up.
Edmund bit his lip but followed Peter to the end of the room, trying his best to ignore the stares.
Susan and Lucy gave Edmund sad looks as both he and Peter sat on their thrones, Peter breathing in deeply.
"Now." He said, turning to the two fauns. "What seems to be the problem?"
But before the fauns could start speaking the doors burst open and in walked a centaur. Peter frowned as he saw that he was pushing a wolf twords them.
"What's this?" He asked.
The centuar stopped in front of the four siblings, pushing the wolf to the floor and warning it to stay where it was.
"You're majesty's." The centuar said. "I found this wolf sneaking around the castle gardens, looking as though he were up to no good."
Peter sighed, quickly glancing over to Edmund. He knew that ever since his time with Jadis, Edmund had been petrified of wolves.
He bit his lip at the scared look on his brothers face. It was clear that Edmund was trying to hide the fact that he was scared though, but he wasn't doing a very good job.
Peter looked back to the wolf, who had slowly stood to face him.
"Tell me." Peter began with a sigh. "Who do you work for?"
The wolf gave him a death glare. "I don't work for anyone." He growled. "Well, I don't anymore."
Peter frowned. "Then who did you used to work for?" He asked.
"My Queen." The wolf snarled. "Jadis."
Peter took another deep breath as he heard Edmund do the same. "And why may I ask, were you in the castle gardens?"
"I wanted to finish what my Queen started, and rid Narnia of its new Kings and Queens." The wolf said firmly.
Lucy swallowed thickly as she shifted in her seat, looking over to Susan, who's eyes were glued on the wolf.
"Especially the little traitor." The wolf added fiercely.
Peter bit his lip. Hadn't he just managed to calm Edmund down in some way? He looked over to his brother, who'd gone alarmingly pale as he stared at the wolf.
"He's not a traitor." Peter said calmly, looking back at the wolf.
The wolf smirked at him. "That's a lie." He said. "You of all people should know that."
Peter took a deep breath. "But, I suppose he got what he deserved." The wolf added.
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked.
The wolf shrugged. "Let's just say, I was there. There with him and my Queen in the dungeons and there with them at her camp." He smirked. "Never again will I have the joy of listening to someone scream so much again."
Edmund felt as though he were going to throw up. He thought he'd recognised the wolf.
Peter was getting angry. "What did you do to him?!" He asked.
"Peter." Susan quickly whispered from beside him.
"I said." Peter said, ignoring his sister again. "What did you do to him?!" He shouted.
The wolf laughed. "Let's just say." He said. "Being a wolf has its upsides. Like, claws and teeth."
Peter's heart stopped.
Susan's eyes went wide.
Lucy gasped.
Edmund felt like he was about to pass out, he grabbed the side of his throne, so tightly that his knuckles went wide. He'd been hoping to keep this from Peter, from all of his siblings.
"You didn't!" Peter shouted.
The wolf smiled. "He can show you the claw marks, if you want? On his chest and back. Or perhaps you'd rather see the bite marks on his arm?" He said, looking from Peter to Edmund.
Peter's eyes stayed fixed on the wolf.
"I must also add that it was rather fun. For me, not him obviously, he was screaming like he'd never stop, begging for me to stop. But I had my orders. My orders to put him in as much pain as possible without seriously injuring or killing him. My Queen found it rather amusing." The wolf added.
That was the last straw. Peter was now extremely angry.
Before anyone could stop him, he'd drawn his sword.
And the next thing everyone saw was a dead wolf lying at the feet of the centuar.
Susan stared in shock at the wolf before looking up to Peter.
Lucy quickly stood and rushed to Peter's side, buring her face into his chest.
To be honest, Peter was rather shocked himself. He took a deep breath as he slowly put his sword back in its sheath, hands visibly shaking.
"Peter." Susan said, causing him to look around at her.
When Susan said nothing else Peter turned to his brother.
His heart skipped a beat as he saw him clinging to the arm rest of his throne, looking as though he was going to throw up.
"Ed?" Peter asked, walking over and kneeling in front of Edmund. "Edmund?"
Edmund said nothing, he just took a deep breath.
"Ed!" Susan said as she joined Peter, Lucy following.
Peter gasped as Edmund suddenly fell forward, eyes closing as he let out a shaky breath.
He quickly caught his brother, who's head fell against his shoulder, eyes shut and skin as white as snow.


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