Worry and Love

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As soon as Aslan roared, the ice wall exploded, sending ice flying everywhere.
Susan and Lucy quickly protected themselves before looking over to Aslan.
Aslan slowly walked up to them. "She's gone." He said softly.
There was silence, but not for long.
Peter's sobs caught everyone's attention. He still had Edmund in his arms, face buried in his hair, soaking it with his tears. "No." He whispered over and over again. "Please wake up." He sobbed. "Ed! Edmund wake up!" He shook his brothers shoulders, but Edmund did nothing. "I'm sorry." Peter sobbed. "I'm sorry for everything." He closed his eyes. "Just please wake up." He choked. "Please! Eddy wake up..." He trailed off, unable to say anymore.
Aslan slowly walked up to Peter, staring at Edmund's still form.
Edmund lay in Peter's arms, eyes closed, skin white, not breathing.
"Peter." Aslan whispered. "He's not dead."
Peter slowly looked up. "H - he's not?" He asked hopefully.
Aslan shook his head.
"But - but he's not breathing! And his hearts not beating!" Peter said, breaking down into tears again.
"Peter." Aslan said. "Trust me. Edmund is alive."
"How?!" Peter choked, holding his brother so tightly his arms were starting to go dead.
Aslan only smiled sadly before he breathed on Edmund.
Susan watched as she saw Edmund's hair move, and as Aslan slowly stepped away.
Peter stared in shock at Aslan before looking down at his brother, eyes wide and full of hope.
Susan and Lucy quickly knelt beside them, watching as they held their breaths.
For a long while nothing happened, and Peter began to cry again. "Wake up!" He sobbed. "Please! Please, please, please!" But still nothing happened. "He's dead!" Peter choked.
"Peter." Aslan said. "Wait."
Peter's heart pounded as he watched his brother.
Edmund still lay there, not breathing, and Peter continued to sob. "Wake up." He whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry for everything. Just please, open your eyes." He placed his head on Edmund's chest, tears rolling uncontrollably down his cheeks.
But just then, Lucy's eyes went wide. "Peter look!" She said loudly, wiping away her own tears.
Peter's head snapped up. "What?!" He said.
"Look at his chest!" Lucy said, tearing up again.
"Yeah, whip lashes, I know." Peter said In frustration. "But now's really not the time!"
Susan sighed. "No Peter!" She said, raising her voice. "He's breathing!"
Peter's eyes went wide as he looked down at Edmund's chest. He almost fainted in relief when he saw it rise and fall.
"Come on." He whispered.
Edmund's eyes squeezed shut before he let out a quiet, weak cough, followed by a few more. The other three watched with wide eyes as he slowly opened his eyes, only partly though.
He stared up at Peter, eyes instantly filling with tears. "Pete?" He asked weakly, not yet seeing Susan and Lucy.
Peter smiled in relief, causing Edmund to stay crying.
Peter pulled him off the ground and fully into his arms, holding onto him with strength that he didn't even know he had. He sobbed into Edmund's shoulder as Edmund cried quietly. He cried harder when he felt Susan and Lucy wrap their arms around him.
After a while Peter calmed himself down slightly, and began to rock a still crying Edmund.
"Shh." Peter murmured, voice shaking and tears still rolling down his cheeks. "It's okay." He felt Susan and Lucy slowly pull away and saw them smiling slightly at each other.
He closed his eyes again as he continued whispering to Edmund, trying his best to stop crying himself.
Edmund took a deep shuddering breath. "Where's - Jadis?" He choked.
Peter smiled lightly. "Gone." He whispered into his brothers ear. "She's gone."
Lucy smiled at her brothers before turning to Aslan. She laughed slightly and ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and buring her face into his mane. "Thank you." She whispered as she felt Susan wrap her arms around Aslan's neck on he other side. "Yes Aslan." She said. "Thank you."
Aslan smiled at the two. "You're welcome, dear ones." He said softly.
Peter opened his eyes, and glancing over Edmund's shoulder caught Aslan's attention.
And then, with Susan and Lucy's faces buried in Aslan's mane, and Edmund's buried in Peter's chest, Peter and Aslan smiled at each other.
"Thank you so much." Peter mouthed at the lion, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Aslan nodded his head slightly, smiling in reply before closing his eyes and enjoying the embrace of Susan and Lucy.
The girls pulled away when they heard Peter say Edmund's name.
"Ed?" He whispered.
Edmund sniffed as he slowly pulled away, looking up at Peter with wide eyes, still full of tears. "You okay?" Peter asked.
Edmund looked down, hesitating.
"Edmund?" Peter asked worriedly.
Edmund continued to stare at his lap. "Hurts." He choked.
"What does?" Peter asked softly.
"Everything." Edmund replied. "I feel sick." He added.
Peter sighed. "That's probably because you haven't eaten." He said. "We'll, haven't eaten anything - nice."
Edmund nodded slowly, his vision going slightly blury. He sat there, trying to keep his eyes open. He tried his best to stay awake, but he couldn't. After a few seconds he passed out, falling against Peter.
Peter held his breath as he caught Edmund, placing his head resting against his shoulder.
He looked up at Lucy. "Do you have your cordial?" He asked.
Lucy nodded and pulled it out of her belt, running over to her brothers and kneeling beside Edmund.
Peter carefully opened Edmund's mouth as Lucy undid the stopper, before pouring one drop into her brothers mouth.
Peter watched in relief as he saw Edmund visibly relax, even smile slightly. But unfortunately he stayed unconscious.
"It's definitely worked." Susan said, kneeling beside Lucy. "You can tell."
Peter sighed. "He'll still be feeling rather weak when he wakes though, won't he?" He looked over at Aslan.
Aslan looked at them sadly. "I'm afraid you're right Peter. He'll be weak for a few days. But he'll be back to normal within a week."
"Normal?" Peter asked doubtfully.
Susan sighed. "Maybe not normal." She said. "But he'll be fine."
Peter sighed, pulling Edmund into a tight hug. "You hear that?" He whispered in his ear. "You'll be fine."


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