A bit of fun

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Peter gasped as he caught sight of the scar on Edmund's stomach. It was a dark shade of red and was rather swollen.
Edmund swallowed thickly as he removed his shirt completely, placing it on the bed before looking at the scar.
"How an earth did I manage to miss that yesterday!" Peter exclaimed.
Edmund shrugged, not replying to his brother.
Peter also couldn't help glancing up at Edmund's chest. He frowned after a while. "Ed?" He asked.
"Hmm?" Edmund replied.
"After Beruna." Peter began. "When I was cleaning your wound. You refused to pull your top up any further than the bottom of your ribs."
Edmund took a deep breath, nodding.
"It's because you didn't want me to see the scratches?" Peter mumbled, getting another nod from Edmund.
Peter sighed, looking back down at the scar. "It looks sore." He said.
"It is." Edmund replied.
Peter hesitated before slowly moving his hand to Edmund's stomach.
He sat there, hand hovering above the scar. He had an idea, and it wouldn't work if Edmund freaked out.
Edmund gave Peter a questioning look.
"It's alright." Peter said quickly. "I just want to try something."
Edmund looked warily at his brother, before looking down at Peter's hand, which was barely a centimetre away from the scar.
"It might help?" Peter said.
Edmund looked back up at Peter. After a while he nodded once, extremely slowly, giving Peter permission.
Peter smiled slightly before placing his fingers against the almost healed wound.
Edmund gasped sharply at the first touch and pulled away, causing Peter to sigh.
He went to remove his hand but Edmund shook his head.
"If it might help." He said. "Then do it."
Peter bit his lip. "Alright." He whispered.
Edmund took a deep breath as Peter touched the scar again, trying his best not to pull away. It was only when Peter began to gently massage Edmund's stomach that he started to calm down.
He relaxed enough so that Peter didn't have to lean over, feeling at once the reduce in pain.
Peter continued to massage the scar, smiling slightly as he watched Edmund's face turn from one of pain to one of relief.
"Does it help?" Peter asked as he continued.
Edmund nodded. "It does." He said. "Surprisingly."
Peter sighed in relief. He thought at first that Edmund was going to complety freak out and not let him touch it. But he was happy to find that it actually helped with the pain.
After five minutes Edmund smiled. "Thanks." He said as Peter slowly pulled his hand away.
"No problem." Peter whispered.
Edmund smiled.
"You hungry?" Peter asked after a moment.
Edmund nodded. "A little." He said.
"Wanna go get some breakfast?" Peter said.
"Sounds great."
Peter smiled as he pulled off the blankets, standing and walking over to the wardrobe.
He was just about to open it when he heard a loud thud.
He swung around to see Edmund, lying on his stomach on the floor, the blanket tangled around his ankles.
Peter gasped, rushing back over to his brother and kneeling in front of him.
"Ed? You okay?" He asked as he helped his brother sit up.
Edmund nodded. "I- Yeah." He said, taking a deep breath. "What happened?"
"The blanket's tangled around your ankles." Peter said, removing them and throwing them back onto the bed.
Edmund nodded.
"Did you hurt yourself?" Peter asked.
Edmund shrugged. "A little." He said, glancing at his chest.
Peter sighed. "You landed right on your chest?" He guessed.
"Yeah." Edmund whispered.
Peter bit his lip. "Come on." He said, helping Edmund to his feet.
Edmund smiled thankfully at Peter before making his way to the wardrobe.
Peter sighed as he watched his brother, not missing that his hand was placed on his chest. He bit is lip, before shaking his head and getting changed.


"Don't tell Susan and Lucy about the voice last night." Edmund said as he and Peter walked outside to practice with their swords. "I don't want to worry them. Especially not Lucy."
Peter nodded slowly. "I think that would be best." He said,  unsheathing his sword.
Edmund did the same.
"Ready?" Peter asked him.
Edmund nodded. "Yep."
Peter smiled. "Bet you I'll win." He said.
Edmund smirked. "Nah." He said, shaking his head. "I mean yeah, you probably will. But I'm still gonna try and beat you."
Peter laughed at Edmund's smirk. "Go on then." He said. "Make your first move."


"Told you you'd win." Edmund said as he picked his sword up off the floor.
Peter laughed. "So you did." He said.
Edmund laughed too. "I just need to get a better grip on the sword is all." He said.
"You think?" Peter smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Alright!" Edmund exclaimed, elbowing Peter in the ribs.
Peter laughed as he grabbed Edmund around the shoulders.
"Peter!" Edmund shouted through his laughing.
Peter smirked as he moved his hands to his neck, one of Edmund's most ticklish spots.
"Peter!" Edmund giggled. "Peter it tickles!"
"I know!" Peter said. "That's the whole point."
Edmund continued laughing until Peter finaly stopped and released his hold on his brother.
Edmund, now free, ran as fast as he could back to Cair.
"Come back here!" Peter called after him with a laugh before running after him.
Peter chased Edmund through the castle and into the library.
Edmund laughed as he hid behind one of the bookcases.
"Edmund?" Someone from beside him said, making him jump.
"Oh, hi Lu." He said, smiling.
Lucy frowned. "What are you doing?" She asked.
"Hiding from Peter." Edmund replied. "I'm gonna scare him."
Lucy began laughing.
"Shhh." Edmund warned quickly as he heard Peter getting closer.
Lucy smiled as she backed up against the bookcase.
"Ed?" Came Peter's voice. "Where are you?"
Edmund turned to Lucy. "1...2...3" He mouthed before jumping out in front of Peter, Lucy following.
"Boo!" They both shouted, making Peter jump.
"Did we scare you?" Lucy asked, giving Peter the puppy dog eyes.
"A little yeah." Peter said, giving Edmund a playful glare.
"Yay!" Lucy exclaimed before jumping up into Peter's arms.
Peter laughed as he put her on his back, before running out of the library with her.
Edmund laughed with a shake of his head before running after them.


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