Wake up

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Jadis raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think that this is over?" She asked with a laugh. "I'm still her aren't I?"
Peter took a deep breath, his grip tightening slightly around his brother.
"And how are you gonna get rid of me?" Jadis said evily.
"We'll - Um, we'll wait for Aslan." Lucy said suddenly.
Jadis laughed. "He's not going to come." She said. "Don't you think that if he was going to come, he would of come already?"
Lucy glared at her, not listening.
Jadis suddenly smirked. "What if, I told you that as long as I'm here, in this ice, I can still kill your brother." She said, a glint in her eyes.
Peter felt Edmund stiffen in his arms, and pulled him close. "I won't let you." He said.
"But you won't be able to do anything about it." Jadis told him.
Susan stared at her before kneeling down beside her brothers, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulders.
Edmund jumped as his head snapped up to look at her, fear written all over his face.
"It's only me." Susan whispered, smiling sadly.
Edmund relaxed back into his older brothers arms as he smiled weakly at Susan.
"He's scared of you." Jadis laughed.
Peter took a deep breath. "No he's not." He said. "She just surprised him."
Jadis laughed again. "To be honest," She said. "I don't know why you forgave him."
Edmund sniffed before buring his face back into Peter's chest, gripping his shirt tightly.
Peter glared at Jadis. "Forgiving him was the easiest thing I ever did." He said firmly.
Edmund smiled weakly to himself, sniffing as he hugged Peter.
"But why would you?" Jadis carried on. "Didn't he betray you?"
Peter snorted. "And who told him to?" He said. "Hmm? Who gave him enchanted sweets? Who pretended to be nice and kind?"
Jadis stared at him.
"And then." Peter continued. "Then who imprisoned him? Who tortured him for information? Who hit him? Who terrified him? Who tied him to a tree and gagged him? Who scared him by coming to Aslan's camp? Who stabbed him? Who nearly killed him?!"
Susan and Lucy stared at Peter, who was staring at Jadis with narrowed eyes, a look of anger on his face.
"Who came to me?" Jadis copied. "Who told me about Aslan? Who told me that you were at Aslan's camp? Who's fault is it that I killed Aslan? Who smashed my wand?!"
Edmund let out a small sob as he buried his face deeper into Peter's chest, holding onto him like driftwood in as storm.
Peter stared at her angrily. "But, if you hadn't of lied, pretended. If you hadn't of given him those sweets, then none of it would've happend."
Jadis smirked. "What if you had loved him? Hadn't been so hard on him? Hadn't shown more love twords your sisters than your brother? Then none of it would've happend."
Peter's expression changed from angry to guilty in a heartbeat.
"Peter don't listen to her." Susan whispered, keeping her hand on Edmund's shoulder.
"But it's true, isn't it Peter?" Jadis taunted. "You were horrible to him. Acted like you were in charge. Bossed him around."
Peter lowered his head, looking down at Edmund, tears filling his eyes.
Lucy frowned. "How do you know all this?" She asked.
Jadis just laughed. "I have my ways." She whispered. She then turned back to Peter. "So really Peter, it's your fault."
Peter took a deep breath, the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"No." Came Edmund's quiet, raspy voice. He moved his head to look at Jadis, even though Susan saw how much pain it caused him. "How dare you say that." Edmund choked. "It was not his fault."
Peter sighed, kissing the top of his brothers head.
"It was my fault." Edmund said.
"Ed no." Peter said quickly. "It wasn't your fault. It was hers." He nodded at the witch, who was staring at them with a smirk on her face.
"She's right." Lucy said, nodding her head.
"See." Jadis cut in. "Edmund blames himself."
Edmund returned to his previous position, knelt beside Peter with his head buried in his chest.
"Shut up." Peter said angrily.
Jadis just laughed at him, she glanced down at her wand, eyes shining. "My that looks sharp." She said.
Peter slowly closed his eyes, knowing what she was doing.
"Imagine how painful that would be if you scratched it along your knee or something." She then looked straight at Edmund. "Or if someone stabbed you with it."
Edmund whimpered, feeling Peter's grip on him get even tighter.
"But I understand that it could of been prevented?" Jadis said, looking up at Peter. "If you'd seen me coming."
Peter's eyes once again filled with tears.
"The truth hurts Peter." Jadis taunted. "If you'd seen me coming, then Edmund wouldn't of nearly died."
Peter sighed sadly.
"And now you can't save him either." Jadis smirked.
Peter frowned.
Susan and Lucy exchanged worried glances before looking back to the witch.
The three watched as Jadis stared hard at Edmund, eyes going a piercing green.
Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he watched her. His head moved to look at his brother, and his eyes went wide when he did.
Edmund's head had fallen against his shoulder, eyes closed and skin as white as snow.
"Ed?" Peter said, his voice shaking.
Jadis continued to stare at Edmund, watching as his breathing got slower and slower.
"Ed!" Peter screamed, shaking his brother.
Edmund did nothing.
The three could only watch as Edmund's breathing stopped entirely.
Jadis moved her stare to Peter, smirking at him. "I told you you wouldn't be able to save him." She said as tears rolled down Peter's cheeks. "Now it is over."
Peter buried his face into Edmund's raven hair, pulling him close, sobbing. "No no no." He whispered. "Please wake up."
Jadis laughed. "You can't wake the dead." She said.
Lucy burst into tears as she flung her arms around Susan, who was by now in floods of tears.
Peter held Edmund close, feeling his skin grow as cold as ice. Peter's breathing became uneven as he cried, begging silently for Edmund to wake up.
"It's over." Jadis repeated.
"No Jadis." Everyone turned to see Aslan, stood at the entrance to the room. "Now it's over!"
And then, he roared.


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