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Peter sighed as he climbed out of bed, glancing over at his brother, who was still fast asleep.
He wondered whether he should wake him. Whether or not he'd want breakfast.
In the end he decided to leave him sleep. If anyone needed sleep, it was Edmund.
So he quietly got changed and left the room.
He walked quickly down to the dining room where his sisters were already sat having breakfast.
"Morning." Susan said with a smile as Peter sat in the chair beside her.
"Morning." Peter replied.
"Where's Edmund?" Lucy asked, frowning at Peter.
"He's sleeping Lu." Peter told her.
Lucy nodded but looked rather worried.
"He's fine Lucy." Peter said quickly. "He just, had another nightmare last night."
Susan took a deep breath. "Oh dear." She whispered. "He's been having a lot of those since he was rescued."
"I know." Peter sighed.
"They'll stop soon though?" Lucy asked hopefully. "Won't they?"
"I'm sure they will." Susan said. "Don't worry too much Lu."
Lucy nodded as she went back to her breakfast.
"Do you know what he dreamt about?" Susan asked Peter after a while.
Peter shrugged. "He wouldn't tell me." He sighed. "But he kept saying to leave him alone, and for someone to help him."
Susan bit her lip. "Has he told you what any of his dreams are about?" She asked hesitantly.
"One." Peter said. "The night after Beruna. He dreamt about-" Peter stopped as he took a deep breath. "About dying."
Lucy's eyes filled with tears as she listened to her brother.
Susan turned to Lucy and gave her a sympathetic look. "He'll be fine Lu." She said. "I promise."
Lucy forced a smile as she nodded at Susan. "I know." She whispered.
Peter smiled at Lucy before starting to eat his breakfast, only to immediately stop when Edmund walked into the room.
Edmund rubbed his eyes as he sat at the table beside Peter. "Morning." He mumbled.
Peter bit his lip. "Morning." He said. "You okay?" He couldn't help asking.
Edmund nodded. "I suppose." He said, grabbing a peice of toast and nibbling on the edge.
Peter sighed, glancing at Susan who had a worried look on her face.
Peter sighed again, knowing that it was in the morning and the evening that Edmund felt the worst. During the middle of the day he was almost fine, until the tiredness caught up with him and he looked awful.
Peter said nothing as he went back to his breakfast, casting Edmund odd glances at times, determined to keep a close eye on him.
"Fancy going riding today?" Peter asked Edmund after a few minutes of awkward silence.
Edmund smiled. "Sounds great." He said.
Susan sighed in relief, smiling at Peter as she nodded her head slowly.
"Me and Lucy will stay here." She said.
"Okay." Peter replied. "Coming Ed?" He said as he stood from the table.
"Hmm." Edmund replied as he too stood.
"See you later." Lucy smiled.
Peter nodded before he walked out of the room, Edmund following.
The two walked on in silence until Peter sighed. "Edmund, please say something." He said. "You've been extremely quite this morning."
Edmund stopped walking and turned to his brother. "I'm fine." He said.
Peter stopped too, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "You seem fine." He said sarcastically.
Edmund bit his lip. "Really Peter." He said. "Don't worry."
"Well too late." Peter said, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm worried."
Edmund sighed. "I said I'm fine alright!" He snapped.
Peter looked a little taken aback at the tone in Edmund's voice, causing Edmund to look away, a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
Peter sighed. "It's alright." He said. "I'm  sorry. I just can't help worrying about you Ed."
Edmund shifted uncomfortably as he looked down at his feet.
"You gave me quite a fright." Peter said after a moment.
Edmund looked up questioningly at Peter.
"Beruna." Peter choked.
Edmund sighed. "Sorry." He whispered.
Peter shook his head. "Don't apologise Ed. It wasn't your fault that you got hurt."
Edmund looked up at his brother.
"Just promise me you'll be more careful from now on." Peter said.
Edmund nodded. "I'll try." He said.
Peter smiled as he pulled Edmund in to a tight hug. "So, can you tell me what's wrong now?" He asked.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I'm just tired." He said. "I feel sick and my scar hurts."
Peter sighed. "Oh Ed." He whispered, tightening his grip on his brother. "You'll feel better soon." He reassured him.
Edmund nodded.
"How about we stay in today?" Peter suggested. "We could have a game of chess or something?"
"I'd like that." Edmund mumbled into Peter's shoulder.
"So would I." Peter smiled, kissing the top of Edmund's head. "Come on." He said as he pulled away and led Edmund back upstairs to their room.
Halfway there they came across two fauns, who were stood in the corridor talking amongst themselves.
One of them caught sight of the two kings and nudged the other one.
Peter frowned as their expressions turned from happy to angry. They turned back to each other and began whispering.
Edmund moved closer to Peter as he tried to listen to what they were saying, but immediately wishing that he didn't hear.
"They say he betrayed everyone to the White Witch."
Edmund's eyes filled with tears as he moved closer to Peter, clinging to him as he buried his face into his chest.
Peter took a deep breath, wrapping an arm around Edmund's shoulders.
He gave the fauns a death glare before continuing to walk until he got to his and Edmund's room.
He kissed the top of Edmund's head as he opened the door and walked inside.
"Don't listen to them Ed." He whispered, shutting the door behind him.
Edmund sighed. "But-" He stopped.
"But?" Peter questioned.
Edmund looked up at his brother. "But they're right."


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