Something's happened

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Edmund stared at the wolf, eyes wide and tears threatening to fall.
"Aw. He's gonna cry." The wolf mocked, making his way slowly twords Edmund. "Don't worry." It said. "I won't kill you, not straight away anyway, what would be the fun in that?"
Edmund took a deep breath, forcing himself to stand. He kept his arm as still as possible, the wolf was right, he'd dislocated it, which wasn't going to help at all. He gripped his sword in his left hand, which was hard seeming as he was right handed.
He watched as the wolf came twords him, smiling evily.
Edmund held his sword out in front of him, trying not to panick. His thoughts went back to the day Peter had told him how he'd killed Maugrum.
Duck and stab? Edmund nodded as he waited for the wolf to pounce.
He didn't have to wait long, the wolf let out a deep growl before pouncing once again at Edmund.
Edmund's eyes went wide as he ducked, stabbing his sword into the wolf's chest.
The wolf let out a yelp as he died instantly. Edmund quickly stepped to the side to avoid the wolf landing on him. He immediately wished he didn't as he tripped.
He fell to the floor before falling down the hill, letting go of his sword.
Edmund gasped in pain as he rolled down the hill, hitting his head and his arm hard on the way down.
He groaned as he reached the bottom, rolling straight into the bush of nettles.
Edmund lay there, vision blury, head pounding and in alot of pain.
He tried to move but stopped as pain shot through his whole body.
He closed his eyes before opening them slightly again, the light was almost blinding as his vision got more blury.
The nettles dug into his skin, causing him to bleed, alot.
He took a deep breath before darkness consumed him.


"Which way do you reckon Peter went?" Lucy asked her sister as she, Susan, Mr.Tumnus, Mr and Mrs Beaver and Orious stood at the entrance of the woods.
Susan sighed. "I have no idea." She said. "I suppose, we just have to walk in a direction and hope that we find him, and hope that Edmund is with him too."
Lucy nodded slowly, making sure she had her cordial. After all, they might need it. She took a deep breath, grabbing hold of Susan's hand and gripping it tightly.
"Let's just walk straight ahead." Orious suggested.
Susan nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a reasonable plan." She said, taking a deep breath.
"Come on then." Lucy said confidently as she started to walk.
Susan following, and then came Mr.Tumnus and Mr and Mrs Beaver.


Peter sat down against a tree, letting out a sigh of frustration. He still hadn't found Edmund, after hours of walking and shouting his name.
He nodded, he'd have a small break, before continuing.
He didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling, like something had happened, something bad.
He hoped it had nothing to do with Edmund.
Peter sighed as his eyes closed slightly.
He didn't exactly plan on falling asleep, but he was exhausted and couldn't help it.

Peter's eyes shot open to see Aslan standing in front of him.
"Aslan!" Peter breathed as he sat up properly.
Aslan smiled at Peter.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Where's Edmund Aslan?" He asked quickly.
Aslan sighed, the smile disappearing. "Edmund has run away, as you guessed-"
"Why?" Peter asked.
"He felt like no one liked him, it just got a little too much for him." Aslan replied sadly.
Peter sighed. "But, surely he knows that I love him? And Susan and Lucy?"
Aslan nodded. "He knows that." He said.
"Then why did he run away?"
"Peter." Aslan said. "I told you, it got too much for him to handle."
Peter felt his eyes fill with tears as he stared at the lion. "But, where did he go?"
"Edmund's plan is to get as far away from Narnia as he can." Aslan said slowly.
Peter's face fell. "Is he - is he alright?" He asked warily.
Aslan gave him a sad look. "I'm afraid I cannot tell you Peter." He said. "You must find it out for yourself."
Peter nodded in understanding. "Can you at least tell me where he is?"
Aslan slowly shook his head. "You must find him yourself Peter."
Peter sighed. Of course he did.
"I will find him." He said.
Aslan smiled. "I know you will Peter." He said.
"I will." Peter repeated. "Before they do."
"They?" Aslan questioned.
"The witches followers." Peter told him. "They want to find Edmund so they can do what their 'Queen' wanted to do from the very first time she met him." He said, an angry tone to his voice. "They want to k - kill him." Peter choked.
Aslan gave Peter a sad look. "You'll find him Peter." He said. "I have no doubt in you."
Peter smiled thankfully at Aslan, but it was a half hearted smile. "Thanks." He whispered.
Aslan nodded. "I must leave. I have other countries to attend to."
Peter nodded in understanding. "We'll meet again?" He said.
Aslan nodded. "Of course." He said with a small smile.

Peter awoke with a start. He frowned. Oh right, the dream. He sighed to himself. Aslan hadn't told him where Edmund was, or even if he was alright.
But he had said that he would find him. Or was that just a "I hope you find him"?
Peter sighed again as he stood, knowing he should continue his journey.
He began to walk again, calling Edmund's name every so often, in the hope that he'd find Edmund soon.


Edmund still lay unconscious at the bottom of the hill. His sword and the dead wolf at the top.
The sun shone brightly as the birds sung. But Edmund heard none of it. He whimpered in his sleep, the nettles scratching him.
Miles away Peter bit his lip, he felt sick. Something had happened. Something had happened to Edmund. He began to quicken his pace before he just ran. He ran as fast as he could. He didn't know where he was going, but he still ran.
He'd find Edmund, before it was too late.


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