Chapter 22: Return of Count Dracula

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Can I make three chapters in a day.


On the impaled below, stood Dracula. Kneeling before his master. "My count has returned at last." Ascora said in her dragon form, landing. He looked to his master before getting up and approaching her. Leaning her head down, he gently smoothed her whiskers over. (Remember she is a Chinese dragon.)

 "Of course my War Mongrel." he said in his Romania accent. She purred at this, nuzzling her nose against his neck. "Papa?" Roselia asked a little intimidated. The two looked at there daughter, eyes blazing red. Shrinking back, she closed her eyes, but instead she was picked up by her father. "Who do you think vould have such power, my little rose?" he asked rubbing there noses together as his scruff rubbed up against her, making her giggle. 

"Um it's really nice to have you back master." Seras stuttered. Her master looked at her, and seemed to be giving her a glare. Whimpering she hid behind Sir. Integra, peeping out like a shy child. "Um, you've seen to have grown a mustache master." she noticed. Ascora snorted turning back to her humanoid form. "That's not all he's grown." she smirked, taking her daughter from him and setting her on the ground. 

"The mustache," she gestured, pretending she too had one. Raising his gloved armored hand causing the metal to clink together. Raising it above her head, his hand came down towards her head. Preparing for the worst she backed up and closed her eyes. Gently landing it on her head, he ruffled her hair like she was a puppy. Surprised she opened her eyes, "Yes, Seras. My Seras Victoria." The two stood there facing each other as he took his hand off her head. It would look like a proud father staring at a child. 

"Oh, Vladimire~" Ascora cooed. He turned to face his queen but instead he got a kiss. "Bleh," there daughter gagged. "Get out of this alive, do you understand me." she whispered. He stood there frozen before he pulled her into another kiss. Wrapping his arms around her, he broke the kiss and nuzzled her neck. His scruff also making her giggle. He bit down, drinking her blood. 

Bible pages flew as Anderson appeared. Giving a battle cry, he swung his blade toward them but Vladcard pushed his queen away from him, effectively blocking it.  Blood still dripped down his mouth as he licked it up. 

Sliding back, Anderson glared at him. Ascora skidded to a stop as there daughter hid behind the two blondes. 

"Nicely dowm my nemesis." Vladcard praised. Anderson then got up and said that he was an agent of God a tool of his divine punishment on earth. Charging forward, the two mens blades crashed. Smirking as Anderson pulled back, a line of blood ran across his cheek. The two battled until a bullet rang through and shot Anderson blade off and nearly cut his arm off. Grunting Anderson looked up to Casull and Jackal in Alucards hands. 

Alucard explained his Jackal to Anderson as he lifted it towards him. At first her fires Casull but when that doesn't work he furnishes Jackal and aims it at him. Shooting, he damaged his arm further, causing him to be unable to use it. Still he charged forward slashing madly at him but he didn't slash at him instead he slashed the corpses. He screamed with rage as Alucard stood on a piece of rubble. In between the two are mountains of living souls that he consumed. Rip ghost and Dandy mans, shot bullets and cards at him slicing him. 

Control room in main airship

Reports were coming saying that they lost several squads. "London has been destroyed, the people are dead and the last battalion is dying in the streets." the major said staring at the screen. "When will you kill Alucards queen, Amelia? I vant to study her and see if she has any of his powers. As well as create a vampire like her." the doctor asked. "Oh, I'm not gonna kill her, I'm just gonna torture her until she begs me for death." she replied. 

On the ground 

Iscariots were blowing themselves up to lessen the river of corpses. As Anderson charged forward bayonets raised. He stoped just short of the vampire lord, "You stand before me. I'm impressed, Iscariot. Show me more Alexander Anderson!" The No Life king demanded. Said man grabbed a box covered in bandages. "You are not the only who carries a mighty weapon, vampire." 

"Is this the toy that is going to defeat me?" Alucard asked but his eyes narrowed as he saw Anderson crack it open, revealing a nail. "A nail?" he asked in disbelief. "Not just any nail, that nail is one of the last remaining holy Roman artifacts. Helena's nail, one of the four nails that nailed Jesus Christ to the cross. As well as being part of the true cross." Ascora seethed. "It still reeks of blood and miracle." 

"Prepare!" Anderson exclaimed aiming the nail at himself. "ANDERSON!" the No Life King and Queen exclaimed. "Stop it! Don't you know what that thing will do to you?" Alucard said as his queen asked the question. "You'll become one of gods monsters." she explained. "Maintain your humanity." her husband stated. "Don't succumb to power. Either side divine or demonic it amounts to the same deal. Your still a monster." Alucard glared at him. "Do you intend to use that scrap of miracle to help defeat me. No monster can kill me only a human a man can kill me." he explains. Anderson then goes to ramble on about how he wishes he could be something more divine than he is now. And with that he plunged the nail into his heart. 

"Bloody fool." she stated. Alucard swiftly waked forward his cape swishing and his fangs bared. "Damn fool!" he said pointing Casull at him but his arm and head were cut off. He aimed the Jackal at him firing as his , like a fountain. squirted blood. 


Yes three in a day yay. 

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