Chapter 15: A father/daughter outing

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I don't own hellsing


We lost contact with the air craft carrier Eagle 18 hours ago. She's currently anchored 300 kilometers off the coast of Pomtong Bay (sorry if that is wrong, Sir Penwood is really hard to understand at least when he isn't panicking.) We've confirmed that she's flying their colors." Sir Penwood explained to Sir Integra. He showed her the pictures of the deck where the Nazi symbol was written in paint/blood, with a lone yellow parasol is.

"Millenium." Integra seethed with a sugar in her mouth. "That's why we called you. The situation aboard the Eagle is outside the British Navy's jurisdiction." he explained. "What is the situation?" Integra asked looking up. He nodded towards an officer, "As the General said this is outside our jurisdiction, the Eagle has ignored all emergency hails and not only does she wear the Nazi symbol there is also a lone person with a parasol on deck. We've sent a helicopter to investigate the matter." reporting. She hummed before addressing the situation at hand, " Sir Penwoood,"


"recall those men. They are defenseless against what is out there, cancel the operation." she ordered. An alarm went off as an officer reported that the two helicopters were shot down, there was a slight chaos but not too much. "Did the eagle open fire on them?" the officer asked. "No, they reported that someone opened fire on them and that it was a single musket shot." scared a little. "That's ridiculous." he said sweat forming on his head. Pennwood looked at the woman across from him. Sighing Integra got up and started to walk out, "What will you do, Sir Integra?" he asked sweat on his face.

"What do you think, Sir Penwood? You heard the queens orders." Was her blunt response. "Good hunting, Sir Integra."

Walter and Integra walked down the hall discussing how to get there vampires onto the Eagle. "So what your saying is that against there stockpile of magic bullets, your only option is to get me on board." Alucard summarizes appearing out of his masters shadow. "It may not be possible." she explained. "Wait, yes it's brilliant." Walter exclaimed. Integra turned towards him, "I know of a way to get you on board, but there is only one in existence." he explains. Alucard smirked as he chuckled at the new.

Time skip

Three black jets flew towards the Eagle, there black wings blending well with the night sky. Turning into formation, they slowly leveled themselves again, each jet fire two missiles, and each one failing to hit. All the missiles were hit with one musket shot that shot like lighting through the air. A woman on deck with her musket raised, started to sing. (at top) The moonlight highlighted her figure as her blue hair blew with the wind. She twirled her weapon like it was a baton. She stopped and twirled as she sang.

While she was singing and dancing on the flight deck, her crew members asked what was she singing and another answered him. She again twirled around her weapon, pointing at the sky, she sang the last verse. She gasped as she crumbled to her knees, "Vhat is happening? It's him. Oh no, Oh God!" she gasped fear written all over her face.

"There'z something coming up on radar. It's not possible! It's speed iz marked 2.8 altitude 85 thousand!" a soldier exclaimed. 

"That high, vhat is it?"

"SR71, it's just a recognizance craft." one explained.

"IT'S HIM," the woman screamed over the com. causing the men in the room to gasp. For they had never heard such fear in the womans' voice. "Report, First Lieutenant, what do you zee out zhere?" a man with a headset ordered. 

The first lieutenant ripped the bag she had open with her teeth. Spitting the part out, she gripped her musket, repeating her self again. 

A jet could be heard, "It's the madness" her voice filled to the brim with fear as she loaded her gun. "he as  come for me!" she screamed, pointing her gun up. She rambles on hysterically causing her to shake her musket. 

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