Chapter 5: Reunited Part 1

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I don't own hellsing


Hydrus landed in an alleyway and turned into its smaller snakelike form, returning to Rosie's shoulder. "Now my dear, at the orphanage did you have a chance to feed?" her mother asked. Rosie nodded her head up and down, "Oh, then do tell what you fed on? It must not have been much since your as skinny as a snake." she inquired. "The rats that came into my room." she replied monotonously. "Oh come now that simply won't do, I guess we'll just have to hunt, you do know how to do that right, my rosebud?" Ascora asked turning away from her daughter. "Yes, Madeline taught me." Roselia responded going after her mother. "Good, then let's go hunt." walking further. Unknown to them a sex deviant was watching them.

He walked forward grabbing Ascora's arm, "Hey, there cutie, I came over just to say that you are a damn fine piece of work." looking up and down her body. He leaned in smelling her blood, "How about you abandon the kid, while you and I can have some fun in the bedroom, eh bitch.' he suggested. Ascora not liking the comment, pushed the man's head away from her. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get back to where he was. "Now deary watch me closely." Ascora smiled at Roselia. "Now, as for you, I do not like being called that in front of my daughter and furthermore, your blood reeks so move along." she said pushing him away. To anybody else who was around it looked like she had punched him under the chin but in reality she only flicked him underneath the chin.

He fell back holding his jaw, "You f*cking b*tch, your gonna f*cking pay for that." looking up but she was gone along with the girl.

Time skip

"What do you want Jan?" blond man in white suit asked. "So, I was trying to f•ck a hotty but she flicked me under my chin. The only thing is that it didn't feel like a flick, it felt like she had f*cking punched!" he ranted. "Well what do you want me to do?"he asked calmly, "I want ya to find the f*cking b*tch and kill her." Jan yelled.

Somewhere else in London

"Roselia go get dressed, I just found a place to feed without the Hellsing organization finding us." she replied looking at the website for a pub called Valentine Love.

At the pub

Ascora was wearing a short black background dress littered with red and yellow roses, while Roselia had a dress on that made her more woman like than she actually was. "Even though it's very deplorable and in my opinion disgusting, but that is beside the point, this is the only place that Hellsing will not suspect a vampire to be." she explained. "Now my dear go feed to your hearts content, but if your full, your full ok." looking down at Roselia who looked like a child in a candy store. "Rosebud?" she said gaining her attention. Turning she looked at her mother, "Did you hear what I said?" she asked. "Yes momma."

"Good now go My Rosebud, go feed to your heart contents." instructing her daughter. Roselia went off to feed while Ascora just stood there and watched her leave."That her?" he asked pointing to the silver eyed woman. "Yeah that's her, damn just seeing her makes my f*cking chin hurt." Jan complained rubbing his chin. "Well what are you waiting for, go and get the b**ch." pointing to security. "Wait, go after the child that came in with her, then we'll see what she does."

Ascora was at the bar, waiting for Roselia to come back. Looking around she noticed that they were on another vampires turf. 'Interesting, I would love to meet the vampire who is in charge.'smiling as she sipped the ruby liquid in her class. Her silver eyes narrow as she saw the bodyguard talking to her daughter. She got up, walking over just in time to hear that the boss wanted to talk to her. "And why pray would he want to talk to a child?" she asked. "I don't question him, I only do what I'm told." he replied. "Well how about you take me to him." suggesting put her hand on her chest. "Not possible, he-" he didn't finish because she put finger in front of his face, "There's no trouble, I'll take you to my boss." she said her silver eyes glowing a pale blue. The guard's eyes become the same blue, "There's no trouble, I'll take you to my boss." he said as he turned around and walked towards the man in white. Her eyes turned back to there silver hues, while Roselia tilted her head confused, while her mother only chuckled. "I'll tell you later my dear." she replied following the guard.

"What the f*ck is this my brother told you to bring the little bitch not the older bitch?" Jan exclaimed. "If you want to live then I suggest that you silence that hyena mouth of yours." she said turning her head towards him. "Now then you must be the boss, right?" she smiled at the man in white. "Yes, I am and I'd like to what your doing on my turf?" he asked politely. "I came here to feed my child fresh blood, and I do apologize if we are encroaching on your territory, but if I had done it somewhere else then Hellsing would be onto us which I don't need." she explained. "So are you an enemy of the hellsing or is hellsing after you?" he asked.

"Hellsing is my enemy as well as the Iscariot." she answered. "But I'll make you a deal, if you let me and my child feed here and provide protection from Hellsing. Then I will work here but not as a vampire sl*t." she said glaring at the women down stairs. While she glared the man looked her up and down. 'She's very good looking but, she has a child with her, but what if the father abandoned them so technically she is available.' still looking at her. "Alright, you have deal, you'll be my private secretary." he said holding his hand out. She turned about to shake his hand when his brother yelped. "OW GET THE FUCK OFF  BITCH!" he exclaimed shaking his leg, where Roselia is biting. He finally got her off as she gagged. "Rosebud what on earth were you doing?" her mother asked.

"I saw that he was behind you and it looked like he was going to molest you." she answered. Her mother laughed and told her to go back downstairs, she eyed Jan one more time, then she followed her orders. "Of course we have a deal, you may call me Emperor or Empress." she said shaking his hand, "Luke Valentine." he replied doing the same.


I know long chapter sorry.

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