Chapter 6: Reunited Part 2

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I don't own Hellsing nor it's characters. 


It's been a few weeks and we still cannot find her.' Alucard thinks. "My Queen, where are you hiding?" he sighed looking at the painting of them along with their unborn child. He disappeared and reappeared in front of Seras door, "Your an idiot." he said getting a blank expression from his pupil. "Master?"

"You chose the night, once you've turned your back on the light of day all the sunlight shown to you, is smoldering pain and a slow agonizing death." he lectured. She bowed her head and a guilty look like a child who is being punished. He smirked then walked in, "Good evening Alucard, I have something very special to show you." Walter greeted putting his hand on a case. Alucard opened the case, revealing a black gun. "Oh, what is this?" amusement clearly in his voice. Walter explained that this was the new gun he ordered, and he also explained the ammo and other stuff. "It's perfection, Walter!" he exclaimed, after loading the gun. Walter bowed a little saying that he was pleased that Alucard was pleased. "I bet this beauty could even stop Father Anderson." he bragged. He turned still looking at the gun while Seras admired and commented on his new gun. Walter turned again, saying that he also had something special for her as well. She turned hope in her eyes like a child getting a toy. But what she saw was anything but like her master's weapon, she looked at it with horror, screaming what the hell it was even though he already explained what it was.

Outside the estate, the Valentine brothers, as well as Ascora and Roselia, where walking towards the estate. Ascora was wearing bootcut jeans, with knee high black boots, a jean jacket and a blue tank top. The collar was lifted up, while Roselia simply wore an overcoat. "Cease your insistent prattle." she demanded. "I agree, every time we have a job random things pour from your mouth. I already told you this and I will probably say it again but can we please try for a quiet calm approach." he demanded. "Remember failure is not an option." he reminded. "Pfft, failure, geez I could pull this job off in my sleep." he replied. "Rosebud, I want you to stay close to Jan and remember don't repeat anything that comes out of his vulgar mouth." she reminded. "Yes, Mama." she said cutely. Ascora looked at her and smiled internally squealing. "Oh, yes if any of the Hellsing guards attack you, summon Baskervillia but only if they attack you." she said rubbing her daughters head. She nodded.

Time skip because I'm too tired and rushed to write that scene.

Luke and Ascora were hanging back while Jan was upfront shooting his guns at anything that's still alive. Luke sighed while Ascora looked down a corridor, 'This aura, this smell, the power, the insanity, it all belongs to Vlad.' she thinks heading down the hall Luke following. He looks at the paintings still following Ascora. He stopped to look at a painting of Queen Elizabeth the 1st. He stared at it thinking that it was off, suddenly harpoons shot out, staking him to the wall. Hellsing members came out from behind the wall, pointing there guns at Ascora. She turned to them, "Sir Integra, we have on of the perpetrators cornered." one of them informed. She turned to them, "Don't get in my way you fools." she demanded, her claws showing as she ripped them apart. As she was doing this Luke had picked up his phone, "What." he answered annoyed. It was his brother talking informing him that the 1st and 2nd floors where taken. He answered him by explaining he was going to the basement.

He walked down the stairs, Ascora still killing Hellsing members. He came upon a huge door. He blasted it a smirk on his face, "I know your in here, I can sense your presence even when your hiding." walking in. "Why on earth would I hide?" Alucard's voice ringing through his room. His eyes widened as he caught sight of Alucard sitting in his throne. "Don't dare mistake my patience for cowardness, honestly I was starting to get bored of waiting for you." his face a bored expression.

Time Skip to the fight.

Alucard fired from his new gun making the bullets chase after him but Luke kept evading, and when one hit the door it blasted. Luke looked back surprised that a pistol did that. "Your reflexes are amazing." Alucard praised getting up, causing Luke to look at him again. "I told you, I am nothing you 've ever seen before." pointing his gun at Alucard. "I have the sum total of your vampiric power at my disposal, all of it and more."

Alucard whistles bringing his Jackal up near his face.

Somewhere else

"I got him Walter." Seras yelled. "OW bitch get off. I'm supposed to be on top!" Jan yelled. "Hey little emo bitch, give me a hand." he demanded. Both Walter and Seras looked behind them seeing Rosie. "Wait aren't you the girl that was in the orphanage?" Seras asked. Rosie stepped back navy blue swirls forming around her. "Miss. Victoria, it is unwise to approach her until we find the vampire that took her." Walter informed. "Right," she said turning her attention back to Jan. They started the interrogation with Jan saying that they were all going to die. He jabbed Sera in the ribs knocking her off while he jumped behind her. "Now let's see what's behind door #3." he announced.

'Roselia, remember what I said about, not attacking Hellsing members.' her mother asked. 'Yes, I remember.' she answered. 'Well I want you to ignore that and attack the ghouls you see in front of you.' she commanded. She nodded and the navy blue swirls formed into a small wolf pup which launched itself at the ghouls. "Oi, aren't you suppose to be on our side." Jan said jumping over Walter. He threw his wires wrapping it around his arm but his arm came off. Jan laughed as he ran to the conference room, but what he found made him freeze.

"You made it, congratulations." Integra said aiming her gun at him along with the other round table members. "Oh, fuck me." he groaned as they shot him full of bullets. They stopped as he slumped to the ground. Integra's eyes widened at what she saw, "What?"

Back in the basement

Alucard was shooting randomly too excited to aim properly. Luke was dodging everything that was thrown at him. 'He's not even trying to dodge the bullets. Does he think he's indestructible, everything as a breaking point.' he thinks as he continues to dodge and shoot. 'He may act like he's not injured but he's taking far more damage than I am.' he thinks as Alucard slumps down. 'I can beat him.' as soon as he thinks that a shot is heard. Both men look up to see Ascora covered in blood as Casull was pointed at Luke. He looked down and saw that one of his legs was missing. He fell down and looked at her as she approached him. "W-What is the meaning of this?" he stuttered. "Silence, you freak chipped vampire!"her eyes turning to pale blue.

He crawled back while Alucard laughed, "At last, my queen has returned." he replied eyes glowing blood red. "My King, would you do your Queen the honors." she bowed disappearing then reappearing in front of him, "Since I have missed your twisted demonic side." she whispered in his ear, placing his gun back in his coat. He smirked, wrapping his arm around her waist "My Queen, I would like nothing better." he replied, licking the shell of her ear. "My Dear, let's save that for later." she instructed putting her hand on his chest. Reluctantly he let go of her, once he did, she sat on his throne, "Well, amuse me my dear." instructing while pouring herself a glass of 'wine'.

"Looks like you'll be able to see how a proper vampire fights." he replied turning towards Luke. 


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