Chapter 7: Introducing Roselia Rosenka Tepes

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I don't own anything but this story and my oc characters. The song belongs to it's creators, as does Hellsing belong to it's creators. WARNING: slight lemon, if you do not like then skip to 2nd time the word Upstairs appears.


After Alucard finished Luke off he returned to his room, where Ascora was still drinking wine. "Now where were we?" he asked. "Ah, ah before we do that I want to introduce you to someone. "Oh, and who might that be?" tilting his head. "First you need to bathe, 2nd, I was right so I get to be top, and 3rd: it's intermediate so middle." she replied. At first he was confused then he smirked, "Fantastic does she fight like you or does she fight like a proper vampire?" his twisted side showing. "I do not know, honestly but we are both twisted, more so you but you will see once you go bathe." she instructed pushing him towards the bathroom. He sighed following his wife's wishes. "Good, now then Hydrus go find Roselia." she commanded. Hydrus nodded and went to do her masters bidding.


"Now that, that fiasco is over. What are we to do with you?" Integra questioned looking at Rosie. "Obviously we can't send you back to the- oof" she didn't finish because the child had flung herself onto Integra. "Please don't send me back there. I'll do anything to stay with my mother, just don't send me back to the Vatican orphanage." she pleaded blood tears going down her cheeks. Integra was about to answer when Hydrus, came out of nowhere. She was in her chinese form circling around Rosie. She stepped back as flames erupted from the dragon and all that was left were embers. "Do you think that we will see her again?" Seras asked, looking at Integra. "If Alucard's wife is anything like him then I am sure we will see her again." she replied walking away.

Back in Alucards room, Hydrus had appeared with Roselia, she turned to her smaller snake like form. Slithering towards her master who was sitting in Alucards throne again, "Mommy," she squealed running towards her. "Hello, my little rosebud. Did you have fun?" she asked. "Mmmh, Baskervillia had fun too." she replied climbing up to her mother's lap. "Yes, yes that's good and did that meanie say anything bad to you?" she asked. "No but *yawn* why did you tell me to attack the ghoul *yawn*" she paused not finishing her sentence. Ascora chuckled, "Come now, you've had an exciting time but it is past your bedtime." she said pulling her coat over her daughter more. "Can you sing me to sleep, please?" Roselia asked rubbing her eyes. Her mother smiled, as she cradled her daughter.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind

How could they have done this to us

The blame was not yours

The punishment his

The stars will recount my last days

But here in your castle

I'll send you a song

With passion and love

May your tired eyes and my lullabies

Our love will prevail

Once stood a lily who shone like the moon

Looked out on her garden and sighed

She smiled and said surely there must be someone out there

who sees me as I am?

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