Chapter 20: Arrival

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I do not own the picture it belongs to artist.

Maxwell had attacked everything and anything in sight with his men, Integra gritted her teeth while Ascora just crossed her arms. 'I knew he would do something like this, and she had the nerve to doubt me. I'm always right.' thinking as she looked at the helicopters. "Maxwell you betrayed us." Integra seethed. "If I may be so bold to say this but I told you so. Iscariot and the church are never to be trusted." the Emperor speaks.

"Sneak attacks are the churches are just part of the course of war." Anderson said walking towards the two. "and in some are even praise worthy. But this, this is not in the order of God. This is in the pursuit of.. of power we get it, well at least I do." the No life queen said interrupting the paladin priest. "From what I remember your family worshiped and tried - Hydrus burn him." she ordered. Her familiar appeared as she did as her master commanded.

"That was Narivas idea not mine." she stated. "My family was mighty until she came."

"Anderson, Bishop Maxwell wants Integra Hellsing and the vampire queen, Ascora, in Vatican custody." Heinkel informed. The Iscariots pointed there guns at the two. Before any of them could shoot, Seras had come with her whip like arm. Swinging it around them, forcing the Iscariot members. "Seras!" 

"Seras VIctoria." the nuns exclaimed. "You alright Sir Integra, Emperor?" Seras asked her voice distorted. "Were fine, is the mansion as I left it?" Ascora asked. "Were attacked by the enemy. The mansion is in ruins and Captain Bernadotte is, Captain Bernadotte is dead, Sir. The enemy soldiers defeated." she explained her eyes turning to molten lava with sadness. "I see, he offered his blood to you." Ascora theorized. "You've finally become a true vampire." 

"Yes I have, Mistress" she smiled at her. Heinkel and Yumi got there weapons, but Anderson stopped them from firing. "Your power combined wouldn't be able to stop her now." 

Seras looked at him, "I've got to say compared to how human you look, you starting to become quite the fearsome monster." he praised. "Yes, I don't think I'll be afraid of anything anymore." she smiled. Ascora eyes widened as images of Alucard and him on the boat. Smirking, she looked towards the sound of a boat as the others turned. "He's finally coming home." excitement clear in her voice. 

Maxwells men was reporting that something was moving up the Thames river.  He asked what is it but he didn't believe it until he saw it. A ghost ship, with the vampire Lord with his duaghter as the captains. On the ship, Alucard had his hands together, as if he was praying. As he separated, he chuckled maniacally.  His guns in hand, he and Roselia ran to the front of the ship jumping off and landing straight in the middle of the two enemy lines. Like a great scared dragon swooping down to set a town on fire, Alucard landed. Roselia nearby on a rooftop. Anderson appeared in a mix of bible pages as the Captain of the Nazis dived down and landed to the right of the king. 

Ascora appeared near her daughter, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "Watch my Rosebud as your father takes his true form." she instructed a crazed and excited look in her eyes. The two power houses walked towards Alucard. As if it was in a painting dyed of blood shed, as the dictator stood in the middle of all of it. "On one side, the vampires of Nazi Germany of the third rank; last battalion. On the other, the Vaticans 9th crusade, and in the middle is her majesty's Hellsing organization. Just 5 of theze mighty soldiers remain. All vis ready the players are ready to take zhe stage. And the curtain rise on this vonderfull dawn!" the major exclaimed in excitement. a

The two power houses glared at Alucard, has his molten red eyes stared a head. "My lord and master, Integra Hellsing, give me your orders!" he exclaimed eyes widening as the wind blew, violently tossing his hair. "Alucard, take heed, here are your orders. Your silver gun shall stain the white army crimson, your iron gun shall stain the black iron army scarlet. I would know my foes by the stains of red you leave upon there chests! Now search and destroy! Search and destroy!" she ordered form a rooftop. 

 "My master, it shall be done as you command." his voice overlapping. 

"Release control art restriction Zero." she started but Ascora finished "Announce your return to the throne of death, and release your full power." 

"NOW!" the two women exclaimed one with a crazy and giddy look. Breathing out a warm breath of air. "I am, the bird of Hermes." he recited. On the ghost ship, on his coffin, a seal appeared and as it appeared red lines of blood traveled around it while it opened. Everyone stood wide eyed frozen stiff. "Here standth the bird of Hermes, eating my own wings ," he bellowed. Anderson yelled as he swung his blade at him, the Captain doing a flip and kicking him, the Nazi soldiers running to him, and the Vatican soldiers ran yelling. All firing at him as if they were expecting him to kill them all in one fell swoop. "  To keep myself tame." he finished as his body regenerated. 

"Haha! Yes he is finally going to release it his full potential, his full power that he keeps locked away!" Ascora exclaimed happily her eyes long since changed from midnight blue to red. "Mama, your back it has wings." her daughter pointed out. On her back Ascora's dragon wings appeared glinting, as her clothes (up top) billowed in the wind. "Yes I know Rosebud, but watch the show is about to begin." 

A red river of eyes and death ran over all of the London streets, attacking the enemy. "No stop it, it's impossible!" Maxwell exclaimed fear in his eyes. "Behold my dear, your fathers true power, blood is the currency of the soul, the wind of life. Blood is the median of life which is transferred. To drink blood is to absorbs someones soul. The police girl understands this now and someday when you drink someone fully you will too." she explained. "Now go with Sir Integra." she said pushing her daughter towards the direction of the Brit. "But where are you going mother?" she asked turning to her. "I will be with your father." she answered jumping off the building and turning into her dragon form. Slithering and knocking anything that stands in her way. 

"The Kazan and the Remicherry forces, you consumed them. No matter how hard we try were never gonna be able to kill you are we? How many people have you consumed?" Anderson asked looking at the red mass. "How many trapped souls are in you?!" 

Horses and men on with spears started to emerge from the red river of blood. "Wallachians, it can't be." Maxwell said his face pale well paler than normal and sweaty. "You consumed your own soldiers, your own people.  YOU DRACULA!" he exclaimed in fear. A figure shrouded in sunset hues appeared in the chaos. Clad in armor and a cape, a powerful figure, intimidating especially to the people he feared. Waving his arms, he summoned his armies from time of old. His armies charged ahead of him, passing to go join the battle. 


I was going to add to this story but I decided to add that in the next chapter. Also sorry it took me a while I had my schools end of the year show to do. Very stressful if you ask me. Hope you like it. 

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