Chapter 11: Full Power Pt 1

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Do not own anything except OCs, picture doesn't belong to me it belongs to the artist. 


Light flashed behind Alucards eyes, he opened them and looked to the side still finding his queen asleep. He looked back at the light smirking, gently he nudged his shoulder that his wife was sleeping on. "Hmmm five more minutes Vlad." she groaned pulling the blankets over her face. "C'mon my queen, unless you want to miss the start of a war." he smirked. She opened her left eye as she slightly uncovered her face to look at him. "What kind of war?" she asked. "A war fighting against vampires and humans." he replied. 

Smirking she threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Her flames were crawling up her body as her clothes came on (picture on top). "I'm ready let me unleash my full powers!" she exclaimed her eyes shining a bright pale blue. "My Queen, don't forget we must wake the Police Girl." he reminded going to Sera's coffin.  "Oh right her, well hurry the f*ck up." she demanded. 

Seras Dream

"Seras," someone echoed in her dream. "wake up Seras~".  Seras nose bubble popped as she opened her eye. "Uh, who are you?" she asked seeing a pudgy man with a weird suit on, using his hands to stay afloat. " I am the spirit of your gun, I am the great Harkonnen." he said. Seras screamed historically as she rain away crying her eyes out. "Wait don't run away, I said don't run away and least don't run that way you've been working so hard I want to give you my support." he explained reaching for her. At this she stopped running, "Now go ahead and ask me anything you want and don't hold back." pounding his chest. Seras turned around stars in her eyes as she folded her hands together. "Well spirit of Harkonnen there is just one little question I'd like to ask. I've had a terrible series of misfortunes and I've landed in the most dreadful circumstances how long will I plagued by this bedlam?" she asked. Her gun groaned as he picked his nose, screaming again she ran away. "Wait hold on I didn't mean that I take it back!" he exclaimed flailing about. Looking over her shoulder she stopped running. 

"Listen to me Seras what is happening now is not a dream. Something very bad is about happen any second now." he explained. "Huh? What do you mean something very very bad?" she asked.  "I mean terrible." he responded. "Any second?" she asked make a silly face.  "Right now." he corrected. "Nooooooooo, " she yellled. 

Back in real world

Alucard opened her coffin Ascora looking in and smirking. "Wake up." he demanded hair covering half his face. "Oh good morning." she responded. "Good evening, theres something interesting going on." he greeted. Seras groaned as she got up, "Huh, the lights gone out. Wha- that sounds just like-." a helicopter with a bright light and tv cameras came and shined into the room. "What! What!" she exclaimed running towards the window. Outside were a number of reporters saying that 3 armed terrorist entered the hotel a man and two women. 

What the bloody is going on?" she asked. "Vlad ~ when can we start." Ascora whined, dropping onto Alucard. Her actions making him chuckle. "Soon my dear soon, Police Girl go hide in the cupboard you my queen can stay here and join in on the fun." he said turning to her. They both kissed as the swat team entered. One man fired his bullets yelling at them, the rest then followed. While Alucard fell down, Ascora stood there still looking at the men as they continued to shoot. Suddenly the man with the mustache was now headless, "Dogs, nice try though -" she said as she looked towards Alucard who was regenerating. 

The men turned around gasping and terrified beyond reason. "we can not be killed by mere dogs." she replied shutting and locking the door. "It takes a man to kill a monster." Alucard said while opening his mouth. He grabbed a mans neck with his teeth he tossed it to the side. His wife ripped another limb from limb, he lunged again slashingg at the men while she stabbed a man through the heart, it was gruesome but not to them, to them it was thrilling and a major turn on for Ascora. 

The three men that were left, two of em picked the lock and got out but the third one couldn't escape because they locked it again. "Locked the door again I see." Alucard said, a mans neck in his mouth. The third man turned around, slumping down, "NO YOUR MONSTERS!" he yelled. Panting he aimed his gun at Alucard. "Yes people keep telling us that, and what does that make you who would stand against me soldier? A man? A dog? A monster?" he asked as he got closer to the frightened man. Shakily the man raised his gun and shot himself in the head. 

The couples expression was that of surprise at first but then anger. "Well that's a bore." Ascora gritted as Seras got out of the cupboard. Looking around all the Police Girl see was blood, "Masters?" she questioned. "Seras prepare for battle." he ordered anger in his tone. "Master but,- Is there a problem do as your told?" Alucard hissed at her. "I quite agree and if you dare to argue with us there will be consequences." Ascora warned closing her eyes and licking the blood off her fingers.  "But Mistress these people, these are humans." looking at the dead bodies. 

"Your point" the two hissed. "These people are human beings!"she exclaimed. Alucard rounded on her his eyes having an animal look to them, "I don't care what these things are!" he exclaimed grabbing her by the shirt. "They came here to try and kill us, it no longer matters what they are now they must die, they'll be slaughtered like pigs, corpses left to rot in the grave like the filth they are. This is just the way things are this is what has to be done and no one has the power to change that not God, the devil or you!" he lectured.  "I know but there just-" Seras had tears forming in her eyes. 

"This is just the way it is." he said letting her go. "Yes master." she replied "Come along now Seras no time to be a coward." Ascora said opening her eyes which now held a sliver grey hue. "Yes masters." was her blunt reply. 

At the Hellsing Manor 

Beep Beep Beep a button flashed on Sir Integras phone. "Someone's calling the direct line do you think it's" Walter said but she didn't let him finish. "Who is it?" she answered. "It's you humble servant Sir Integra. Give me my orders my master. " Alucard replied. "What did you do to that swat team?" she asked her voice grim. "I killed them, me and Ascora killed them." he responded as if it was the most obvious answer. "We slaughtered them like cattle theres not one left standing, now all that I require is your orders Sir Integra. I believe the senior officials of the Police are under Milleniums control. These people that stand against us may be innocent humans but we will kill them. We're ready to strike them down with out a moments hesitation nor the slightest hint of regret I can do this for you. Were monsters and we will do what need to be done but what will you do Sir Integra? My guns are prepared for battle, my sights are trained, my magazine is fully loaded, I pull the slide and remove the safety. Everything is ready and waiting still you must be the one to pull the trigger. So what will you do, I'm waiting for orders my master, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing." he rambled. 

Sitting down she took out a sugar and light it, she breathed out. She snapped the sugar and slammed her fist on the table. "I already gave you your marching orders soldier, my orders are to search and destroy, search and destroy! Any resistance you encounter is to be crushed. Hellsing does not run from our enemies kill them all. I order you to leave nothing but bloody stains in your wake!" she ordered. Alucard gave a maniacal laugh as he said the final veil removed, this is excellent news indeed. You still know how to inspire my passion Integra. Then by your orders master I do hope you enjoy the show." as Alucard hung up, Integra slumped down and asked Walter if she did the right thing. He replied it wasn't his place and then went to go make her some tea. 


Hey I want to say thank you to all my viewers, I honestly didn't think this story nor my writing style would be that good but since people are reading it I'm happy.  Thank you. :):):):):):):):)

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