"Look I don't understand what happened but all I remember is walking down the street then suddenly blacking out,"

I felt like this was my duplicate's doing, she clearly pulled the same stunt as with Russia. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Is there something wrong (Y/N) chan?" Japan tilted his head. "No its nothing Japan," I smiled at him. "You probably don't believe what I say at all.." Japan sighed and looked away. "Yeah damn right I don't believe you!" America raised his voice, "Now, now it doesn't matter how Japan got there what matters is that he's okay now," I chimed in. "I guess so.." America quietly muttered, Japan beamed at me and I could tell he was grateful for me believing him, I could tell by his eyes.

+1 Relationship

"Well uh now that we're here at the mall we might as well hang out together, I'm sure you wouldn't mind me tagging along with you guys right?" He smiled at us.

"I mean if your head isn't hurting you can come, there was a lot of blood," America muttered and crossed his arms.

"Oh come on America Kun, I'm fine! Besides I want to hang out with (Y/N) Chan and get to know her!"

America narrowed his eyes at Japan in disapproval, but Japan was staring at me instead and not noticing America glaring daggers at him.

"I mean sure Japan can come, I don't mind.."

"Arigato (Y/N) Chan!" Japan beamed as he hugged me, I was taken by surprise so I firmly hugged back. America was glaring at us, I found it pretty weird but never though much of it.


The mall was I have to say fairly big, the closest mall was a mall somewhere near Japan's place. I've never really travelled much so going to a Japanese mall was a first.

"Oh! (Y/N) Chan, we should go look at some clothes first I know just the store," Japan said as he pointed at a store just ahead.

"I don't really trust Japan, freaky stuff happens in his country, maybe we should stay away from him," America whispered to me.

"I don't think Japan is THAT bad," I replied quietly enough for Japan not to hear me.

"Oh are you jealous that Japan is a funner country than you?" I teased

"W-what no!" He stuttered and looked away,

"I just have a bad feeling.." America muttered quietly.

I rolled my eyes playfully, he's just mad Japan decided to tag along just like in the car when he hugged me.


Other than that we had a pretty fun day, I tried on some clothes, but Japan kept saying I needed to "dress neater" no wonder Japanese people are so up tight about what they wear.

When we were finished we went to the food court to get some food, and can I tell you how delicious Japanese foods are? We sat down at a seat and Japan insisted on getting a special Japanese drink for America to try.

After we were finished eating, we were headed to the exit when America excused himself to go to the restroom. So me and Japan waited for America to come back,

"Oh! I just remembered I forgot something, I'll be right back (Y/N) chan," Japan said as he skipped off somewhere.

I turned back and in my face I saw again a familiar red eyed girl.

"Jesus! Don't scare me like that!" I swatted her away,

"You seem to be having fun~" She picked her nails and subtly glanced at me a few times.

"Yeah whatever, because of the stunt you pulled with Japan I had to treat someone two times today!" I replied clearly annoyed.

"I didn't do anything," she gave me a suspicious look,

"Yeah right! Ya fucking liar," I crossed my arms and stared at her.

She shrugged it off, "oh! Japan is coming back, I gotta run," She waved at me and disappeared poof!

"Sorry (Y/N) Chan, I'm back now," Japan huffed,

"I wonder what's taking glasses so long.."

"Oh! He's not back yet?"



"Wait wha-" I turned my head to face Japan, but before I could reply with anything I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a knife sticking out of my chest as I fell back on the ground.

"Sorry (Y/N) Chan you really were a nice person to hang out with and all but I can't have you hanging around my senpai," Japan gave me a menacing look.

"W-wha J-Japan America doesn't like m-me, he could d-date anyone for all I care-" I coughed out blood and my vision was getting blurry.

Japan paused for a moment,

"Did you not get the message when we were in the car?"

"W-what do you mean-"

"I hugged you to test him,"

"S-So what?"

"You really are dense, I didn't think you wouldn't understand already, well it doesn't matter if you know or not, what matters is that you'll be gone soon,"

"Good thing I have some good make up skills to make it look like I had been injured, I was worried the pill would've been crushed when I fell to the ground but luckily it still worked well, plus I have a few more left!" Japan put his arms behind his back, pulled out a white and red pill and examined it. He glanced at me again,

"Sayonara (Y/N) Chan,"

And it all ended just like that.

?Japan bad end¿


(A/N) : props to you if you understood what Japan meant.

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