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The bemused voice caught Grey off guard and he started, letting out a small yelp. The sound of someone snapping their fingers echoed around the cavern, causing torches mounted on the walls that where previously unnoticeable to come alive with a bluish purple flame, which danced through the large crystals, creating strange and flickering shadows. He glanced around the room quickly and then his eyes darted to Haylee, who's indifferent face was a perfect mask for the confusion, annoyance and anger flying around inside her head.

"Y'know, I knew you'd get here. An' I also knew you'd be all cocky because these are your parts an' all, I'm freezing my bloody jewels off here, but I knew where best to catch you, dragon girl. " the voice said again, followed by another cackle. Grey again glanced at Haylee, she had her head tilted down, eyes shut, brow furrowed in concentration. Then Grey noticed her tongue was poking out slightly, it reminder him of that thing that snakes do, where they used their tongues to taste the air and locate... "Wait a minute..." he thought. 'Dragon, snake... Both reptiles I suppose.. Nah, she may be dragon raised but she's human, that can't be pos-'

Before Grey could end his train of though Haylee's eyes snapped open and fixed on a spot high up the wall opposite them, where the light didn't reach. Like a flash she pulled back her arm, a javelin of ice forming without her uttering a word, and lunged it forward, slicing through the air towards her target and into the darkness.

The laughing cut off abruptly as the owner realised he was in trouble, followed by a smash of ice on rock.

A pause, and then... "You missed, you hot tempered little ice cube~" the voice mocked. There was another click and a wall of rocks and boulders collapsed behind them, blocking out the entrance. The little girl still slumped against the crystal, now looking even more glum as their exit had been closed off.

"Show your face!" demanded Haylee, her 'hot-temper' rising well above boiling point.

"As you wish~" the voice chimed, followed by another click. In the same are that Haylee had been fixed on, two more torches burst into flames, each set on a large pillar on a balcony of rock. Between them, a large throne like seat had been carved into the cavern wall, and on it sat the owner of the voice, casual as ever.

"Hello there, Haylee Dracia." he spat out her name like venom and rose to his feet, staring down at the two, a wicked grin on his face.

Grey reckoned he must have been in his early twenties. He was tall and incredibly slim, with bright red, neck length hair with was swept back, apart from one thin strand which flopped down over his pale, flawless skin and almost glowing golden eyes. He had brown leather boots up to his knees, dark pants, a gorgeously embroider gold and russet tunic and a huge swirling violet cape, which fanned out behind him from the motion of standing. He looked more like some kind of Mage model than villain.

Grey looked again at Haylee, looking for a reaction to base his thoughts on, worry, shock, anything he could figure this guy out by. What he didn't expect, was a completely blank look of confusion.

"...Who the hell are you?" Exclaimed Haylee, one eyebrow raised quizzically, her face contorted in a weird grimace of confusion as she searched her mind for the hardly forgettable character.

The guy didn't like that one bit, clearly he was used to making an impression on those who met him. The smile dropped from his features. He grabbed the corner of his cloak and whipped it up in front of him and vanished, reappearing a moment later a few metres ahead of them, leaning on a crystal. His amber eyes glowered.

"I go by many names, but that is unimportant. You have something of mine and I want it back. Now."

"I'm sorry, whoever you are, but you're clearly mistaken. Haylee wouldn't steal from anyone and she doesn't even know who you are, so how would she have something of yours?" Said Grey, before Haylee could anger the man further.

Fairy Tail FanFic - The Ice DragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz