The First Test

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The sun was already chasing away the early morning chill as Lucy and Haylee faced each other at the front of the guild. The other members sat against the walls to spectate, interested in what the new girl could do. Grey was slightly nervous, for Lucy's sake, as the others hadn't seen the demon-like Haylee when she refused to leave the hospital wing a while back. He knew how Haylee changed when battle was involved. She hadn't spoke to anyone all morning and her far displayed no emotion. Grey silently hoped that Haylee wouldn't go to hard on Lucy, he even thought it was a little mean of the Master to put them against each other. He sighed and watched as the two girls stood, around 20 foot apart, waiting for the signal.

'Surely this is a warm up...' Haylee thought critically, her senses picking up on the fact that Lucy didn't have anywhere near as much magical energy as herself of Erza. That's where she knew the real fight would be. 'I must not over exert myself... I need my energy for that final fight.' she thought, again running through plans and tactics that wouldn't take much effort in her head.

Lucy stared at the stern-faced girl opposite her, her hands resting on her Celestial Keys. One thought crossed her mind, knowing she was outmatched here... 'shit-'

"FIGHT!" Makarov shouted, interrupting Lucy's not-so optimistic train of though. She pulled out Taurus' key and summoned him, while Haylee ex-quipped an armour which to Lucy, kinda looked like a metal bikini.

'uh-oh...' she thought, her brain putting together Haylee's showy get-up and Taurus's weakness for women's cleavage.

Unsurprisingly, Taurus's tongue lolled out of his mouth when he saw his opponent, the hearts in his eyes almost visible, much to Lucy's distain.

"Taurus! Snap out of it! Rampage!" she shouted, throwing a pebble at the bull, which bounced off his head, bringing him to his senses.

Haylee observed without moving, figuring out the bulls moves as he gripped his axe with both hands, swinging it back behind him and then smashing it into the ground, sending a small earthquake flying towards Haylee as the ground slip open. Haylee jumped, flying over the breaking earth and landed lightly on the thin pole of the axe handle, causing Taurus to let out a confused "moo?" his eyes wide with shock.

Haylee ran up the handle, up the bulls shoulder and straddled his neck in a blur of blue.

Taurus heaved his axe out of the ground, and started flailing wildly, trying to through Haylee off. The audience fell apart in laughter as the fight turned into a rodeo, with a emotionless rider and a humanoid bull, swing is axe aimlessly and running in circles. Lucy sighed, an expression of hopelessness on her face, unimpressed by Taurus's failure.

Haylee held one arm in the air. "Ice make spear!" she shouted and almost instantly a sparkling ice spear formed in her hand. She brought it down through the bull's shoulder, and the audience shared a collective gasp as the shaft pierced through his opposite side, poking from his ribcage. Haylee nimbly jumped to the ground as the bull let out one last defeated "MOoOoo" and vanished in a flash of light.

The fight had lasted barely five minutes, Lucy gave up, unwilling to put any of her other celestials through Haylee's ruthlessness. The audience, although a little creeped out by how easily the newbie had disposed of Taurus, slowly started cheering. The motion confused Haylee, for Skylar had always taught her there was no glory in battle and it should always be a last resortbut, she tried to be polite and smiled weakly.

Her abnormal senses picked our whispers in the crowd, both for and against her. They said things like "she's like a demon!", "how the hell does she move so fast?", "meh, all she did was jump on him, dumb bulls fault." and "did you see her face? No emotion at all, she's probably a murdered..." Haylee shrugged then off as Makarov announced her the winner and said that the next fight would take place in about an hour.

"Hell yeah! I'm all fired up!" Natsu shouted, his fists engulfed in flames. "You're going down Haylee!" he ran off into the woods to get in some last minute training, closely followed by Happy.

Haylee sighed, Natsu loved battle so much, it completely went against all she'd been taught. Skylar had always disliked humans, and said their bloodlust made them uncivilised and animalistic, like beasts than should be put in a cage. Her new friends didn't seem uncivilised though.... Maybe she should try to loosen up and enjoy herself a little. Skylar would shun her if she knew she was taking part in these pointless fights anyway, so she might as well try to see the others points.

A tap on the shoulder from Grey brought her back to reality.

"Well done! Doing well so far, not sure if I'm a little anxious for our fight now..." he winked, laughing as a defeated Lucy appeared beside him.

"Yeah, well done Haylee," she smiled, "At least Taurus will talk of Haylee-sama's boobs instead of mine now!" she laughed, trying to be positive about her miserable failure, bringing a small smile to Haylee's face.

"Natsu next." Grey started, "Don't take him too lightly, no offence Lucy," he paused and glanced at her, she waved it off an he continued. "But he's a whole different ball game. He's got out guild out of some awful situations, when the guild is under threat I don't think anything could beat him. Obviously he won't get that mental today, if he did the master would stop him..." he trailed, realising he'd gone off point. "But yeah, be careful, not that you really need to." he laughed, trying to lighten up the serious speech he'd just given.

"Yeah, I know, but I have something which may be of use. Remember when I came here my aim was to fight Natsu, who I knew was a fire dragon skayer. I picked it up off of a mage I beat up while looking for him." she replied, a smirk playing across her face.

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