Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 24

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 (if you had guessed Kurt, then your right!)

Your POV:

"Hey there beautiful, so what are you up to?" you heard a familiar voice say in a german accent. 

Kurts POV:

(Your wounds are pretty much healed except for the one at your side but it's much better, and you have scars from your healed wounds.)

You opened the door to see your girlfriend lying on her bed. You gave her a quick scan: her gorgeous long brown hair falling over her shoulders and lying on the bed, her greenish-blue bangs collapsed on her face, her beautiful blue skin and the blue markings on her body that seemed to glow from the sunset’s light coming out of her window, and her blue and gold eyes looking up at the ceiling.

'She is so lovely.' you thought to yourself.

Your POV:

"Hey, boyfriend." you said slowly, trying to sound happier, and turned to look at him.

You were fiddling with your mermaid necklace, given to you from your mother. Kurt walked over and sat on the side of your bed.

“What's wrong?" he asked, taking hold of your free hand and kissing it gently.

"Nothing's wrong." you answered.

Kurt looked at you and let go of your hand, he laid down on his side next to you and propped up his head with his hand, looking into your eyes.

"Your not a very good liar. I know somethings wrong, tell me?" he asked you, seeing through your white lie.

"I'm, just thinking about my parents, its just that when I was eight I was told that they died of 'natural causes' and I was taken in by one of their friends until she died of a sickness when I was eleven. . .  But before she died I used to ask her about my parents and whenever I brought them up she looked really sad and a little upset. I thought something weird was going on so I went with a hunch I had and I asked her how they really died. . .  And apparently my guess was right because she said that they died saving our town from a monster. She said she felt like she could have done something  more. . .she took me in because she felt like it was her fault. . .  They died in a storm they conjured up together to stop the villain, over the ocean near our town. She saw the whole thing and said that the evil person died but the storm my parents created was too strong for even them to handle . . .and they were taken down to the depths of the ocean. Their bodies were never found. . . .After my parents’ friend died I found a place for myself to live."

By now you were crying and trying to hold it back. Kurt came closer,

“I’m sorry I threw all of this on you so suddenly. . I-Ive just been having these dreams. .and I-I don’t . . .”

"Its okay, you can cry, come here." he said putting his arm around you as you turned into his chest and he held you as you cried yourself to sleep.

. . . 

About 30 minutes later

 Kurts POV:

You were surprised of all that _______ said to you, you never expected her to open up to you like that, you were happy she trusted you and you never knew something like that was haunting her.

You heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." you whispered.

You weren't holding ________ anymore, you were still lying next to her, the arm you were lying on stretched over and was gently stroking your girlfriend's hair.

Kitty phased through the wall.

"What are you doing?" she asked whispering.

"She was crying, I comforted her, she fell asleep, I'm still here." you summarized.

"Oh, why was she crying?" she asked you.

"Sorry but I'm not going to disclose this information with you." you said in a lawyer-toned voice that you made up.

She giggled, "Whatever, dinners ready." she said leaving.

Okay, sorry but i'm gonna leave it here. Nothing else happens in this chapter so its not a 'TO BE CONTINUED' thingy, so....... BYE! :P and yes this chapter was kind of a filler.

{me: rate and message please! and never accept jelly beans from strangers.}

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