Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 14

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You all got out of the jet when you reached the brotherhood's building. Wanda opened the door, when she saw us all she quickly positioned herself into attack mode.

"What do you want?" she asked defensively before doing anything.

"We need to see Mystique" said the Prof.

"What for" she asked angrily.

"There's something wrong with Kurt and we can't help him unless we talk to her." he answered back.

"What do you mean 'wrong'?" she asked.

"It could be a fatal situation." he replied.

Wanda put her arms down (remember she is okay with Kurt from that episode where she let Kurt take his statued mother back and gave him help) and opened the door wider.

“Kurt, huh?” she said sadly. Everyone looked at her a little confused from the deep caring in her voice. "This is for real right?! This isn't some plan of yours is it, cause so help me if it is......!" her voice grew louder.

"It's not, don't worry, I would never joke about the health of my students." Prof.X interrupted her violent thoughts.

Wanda stepped aside "Come on in, I'll get her for you." she said gesturing you all inside.

"Hey! What the hells going on here?! What are they doing here!? Why aren't you doing anything!? Did you let them in!?" Pietro was going on and on.

"Shut up brother!" she snapped at him sticking her arm out like she was going to use her powers on him mercilessly.

"This is important, and they just want to talk to Mystique!" Pietro jumped, startled and put his hands in front of his face as if to protect himself.

"Okay, okay!." he said quickly and ran out of the room in a flash.

Wanda headed up the stairs and opened a door to a room that seemed to be Mystique's. She didn't even knock.

"What do you want?" we heard a familiar voice.

"The X-men are here to see's about your son....Kurt."

We were a little shocked to hear that she knew of Kurt and Mystique’s relationship with each other. The room got quiet and Wanda stepped aside as we saw Mystique come out and walk toward us with an unreadable face.

She stopped in front of Prof.X "What happened?" she asked him, like this was a usual thing or something, while walking to the living room which meant to follow her. Prof.X gestured us to follow as well. We all got situated and then Prof.X continued. Prof.X told  her the whole thing.

"Is there something you know about the odd things happening to Kurt that could shed some light on the subject?" he asked her.

She was looking down at her hands and made fists. "I was afraid this was going to happen, I thought that maybe, just maybe he failed in his experiment."

"Who? Magneto?" he asked and then we all remembered Rouge’s dream.

"Hmmmm, more or less." she answered him back.

"I must see him, let me see my son." she said.Some of us rolled our eyes on her being so 'motherly'.

"Why should we let you into our home?! I bet you don't even care about Kurt and you just want to sabotage the X-men!" Kitty snapped.

Prof.X glared at her for a second and then returned his eyes to Mystique.

"Well?" he asked Mystique "Why should we?" he said, the rest of the x-men puzzled, not believing that he actually went with Kitty's question and asked her that. Kitty looking just as surprised as the rest of us.

"Because it wasn't Magneto's lab or his idea that did those experiments to Kurt. Magneto helped the original owner of the lab do those things to Kurt. And that person has a machine that will tell him at any time if the experiment gets in 'progress'." she said.

"The lab got destroyed with the machines in it while I was in the middle of searchin' the place." growled Logan.

"And if he took it with him?" she replied."I highly doubt that after all that work he would just not take that with him." she added.

"True." said Storm who was thinking about this."And you said 'he', so you know this person?" she questioned/interrogated her.

"Sort of, but very little, he is what you would call a mad scientist. He is very clever and should not be underestimated. And if he has that machine with him and what I think is going on with Kurt is truly happening then he will look for Kurt to take back his ‘experiment'." she concluded.

"Does this mad scientist have a name?" asked Jean suspiciously.

"I think he called himself I.Q (like the name?) and he is a fellow mutant but with the incredible and destructible powers of intelligence in creating things. I need to see Kurt to make sure of what's happening." she protested.

There was silence for a few moments as Prof.X was thinking of what to do about her. Prof.X came out of thought,

"Fine" he gave his answer. “But for his sake I hope you are being truthful with us and actually care for your son. I will let you see him, and then you are leaving.” he said giving her the evil eye and speaking in a stern yet sure-of-himself-and-his-students tone of voice.


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