Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 15

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At the mansion and still your POV:

Everyone carefully escorted Mystique to Kurt who was still resting in the infirmary. She looked at Kurt and reached for his neck, Logan growled and was ready to grab her arm and throw her against a wall.

“Relax, kitty, I'm just checking how fast his pulse is going." she said quickly so he wouldn't do anything rash.

She checked. "Well?" Logan asked harshly, impatiently.

“Fast." is all she replied. "How long has he been asleep?" she asked.

"Quite some time, I'd guess about five hours or so." answered Beast.

"Hmmm," she said. "He looks normal," she said, "well you know considering the blue skin and stuff. Well heres the story, I.Q made a machine that interacts with his powers and the evil inner spirit that was dormant, back at the lab all those years ago." she blurted out of nowhere. "I.Q wants to use Kurt as a weapon because he said he has lots of potential. And I'm not exactly what you'd call the good guy so I thought it would be good for him, but I had no idea how far he was taking things, when I found out from accidentally overhearing one of his conversations with Magneto I took Kurt out of there as fast as I could but it was already too late, the experiments were practically complete." Everyone was staring at Nightcrawler as she was speaking except for Prof.X of course so he could keep an eye on her.

Kurt’s POV (who is actually not asleep at all):

I can't believe what I'm hearing, I'm a weapon? I'm some evil weapon? What's happening to me?

Your POV:

"Kurt just needed something to awaken the inner evil in him and that situation that one of your people had seen must have been it. That could have started it and now that he keeps thinking of that memory it could be continuing the experiment. And if this keeps up then I.Q will surely come back for him." she ended.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" you thought out loud.

"All I can do is give some advise but that's all, I've already done my part here." she said sounding more like the Mystique we've learned to love to hate. "Try to keep his mind off of that time, keep him happy, don't let him go on missions, and try to keep him out of the mad zone. And that's all I got for you."

"And what happens if things don't go well and I.Q comes looking for him? Huh?! What are we supposed to do then?!" you said getting louder and louder until you couldn't speak unless you wanted tears to roll down your face in front of the enemy.

Mystique lowered her head "Then the world as we know it could be in danger." She stepped back towards Prof.X "I would like to leave now." she said coldly. Logan, Prof.X, and some others escorted her back.

. . .

When they came back (about 10 minutes):

They came back to the infirmary and everyone was quite. We were all looking at Kurt sadly and a little bit unsure. Prof.X rolled over to Kurt.

"You can stop pretending Kurt, I know you've been awake." Kurt sat up and looked down at his hands.

We were all big eyed wondering how long he was awake.

"How long were you awake?" Beast asked him.

"When....'Mystique' came in." he said slowly. We all looked down now, sad that he heard it all. "Who's I.Q?" he asked.

Prof.X explained things to him that we figured out at the Brotherhood. Kurt was silent and so we all looked back up at him to see his face so maybe we could see how he was taking this all in.

"I'm so sorry Kurt, this is all my fault, if I hadn't seen what I saw......if I hadn't told you.... if I......" you started to cry and since you were on the other side of his bed Kurt was in reaching distance, ".....if I hadn't even come here in the first place then none of this would be happening and you'd be okay..." Kurt obviously couldn't take it anymore and he grabbed your waist so you would sit down on the bed with him and put a hand on your shoulder so you would rest your head in his chest.

"Don't talk like that________, I told you have no reason to be sorry." Hearing those words again made you stop your crying and you looked up into those big golden eyes and made a little smile behind your tear-wet face.

Everyone was looking up at you two obviously realizing something was going on with you guys after all and then Scott and Jean made a quick look at Kitty who had thought she'd seen them kiss. You could feel them staring, but you didn't care, you felt safe with Kurt and you didn't want to let go. You could tell they were blushing and putting a hand nonchalantly by their faces to cover it.

Kurts POV:

I can't explain this feeling I'm having right now, or how those words just came to my mind, but I think I'm...I'm.....falling for her....I'm starting to fall in love with_______......or maybe I've been ever since I met her, when I'm not sure, but it's clear to me that I am....I truly am.

awwww! : ) I hope you liked the ending of this chapter and now I must say good bye and orv-wa

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