Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 23

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okay lets continue that annoying 'to be continued' shit.

Kurt placed his hand on top of yours.......


"Thhss!" Kurt hissed.

"Kurt!, whats wrong, are you okay?" you asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I'm fine, my side just stings is all." he said holding his wound.

"We should get back to the infirmary, can you teleport us there?" you asked.

"Ya." he said as you teleported back to the infirmary.

You had his arm around your neck to support his weight, and had him sit on the bed. "I'll change your bandages for you and clean your wounds." you told him.

Kurts POV:

I guess the others heard you and they all reappeared and sat on the bed next to the one you were sitting on. You were sitting on the side of the bed so you were facing them. You and ______ both looked at them but then _______ kept working.

"Sooo, watcha doin?" asked Kitty slowly like that wasn't her real question.

"I'm cleaning and re-bandaging Kurt's wounds." _________ told them.

"Oh." was all she said back.

_________ slowly unraveled the bandage on your arm, the more she unraveled it the more the cloth became redder from the blood. They watched on, furrowing their brows at the sight. She finally got the bandage off and it revealed a bloody slice in your arm.

"Ouch!" Spyke said for you.

"So why are you here, not that I mind or anything?" ______ asked them as she picked up another cloth and some solution to clean your wound.

"Ummmm, we sorta, kinda wanted to ask you guys a question?" Jean slowly said in more of an asking tone, as if she were a kid again.

"Didn't you just do that?” you pointed out.

"I mean, another question." Jean added.

"Okay what is- Ahhh!……it?” you asked between the pain of the stinging solution _________ put on your arm as you grimaced.

"OH!, I'm sorry Kurt." _________ apologized.

"No, its fine." you said, trying to stop her from feeling bad.

The others were watching closely to ______ cleaning your wound and then changing the bandage.

"Okay, so they're trying to ask, are you two…like…ummm…how do I put this…?" Spyke struggled.

“A couple?” Kitty finally helped out.

You and ________ exchanged smiles at each other.

"Yep." you both said in unison, looking back at them.

Everyone blushed a little.

"So, is that it?" you asked.

Everyone nodded shyly. By then _________ was already putting a new bandage on your chest from the laser wounds you got. She undid the bandage on your side. It revealed a ghastly wound from the knife with the chain that had pulled you toward the robots. Everyone gasped and flinched. Some blood was dripping onto the floor.

"Oh come on, its not that bad is it?" you asked sarcastically.

"Would you like some help?" asked Scott.

"Sure, that'd be great, thanks." said ________.

Scott helped to clean your wound, Kitty helped clean the blood off the floor, Spyke helped by getting some new bandages, and Jean provided by throwing out the old bandages and other dirty cloths.

It stung a lot so you were bitting into your pillow, and the others saw and you could tell they felt bad about it. Then the teachers joined the 'party' as well.

"I see you're all chipping in to help Kurt, thats very nice of you all." said Prof. X

"And _______, you're doing a pretty good job with his bandages too might I add." Beast complimented.

Storm and Logan were just watching. Then suddenly you felt something in your gut and got a shooting pain, probably from the painful wound being cleaned. You felt a cough coming on so you took the pillow out of your mouth and coughed into your hand, but to your surprise you found blood colored your palm. Your eyes got big for a second but then you remembered that it was probably because of the wound being cleaned and the pain from that must’ve caused it.

"Oh my gosh, Kurt!" Kitty said seeing the blood on your hand and some coming down the side of your mouth.

The others noticed too and all stopped what they were doing even though by then they were done anyway. The teachers came closer.

"Relax, I'm fine." you tried to assure them.

"Are ya sure about that kid, cause you coughing up blood doesn't seem fine to me." Logan commented.

"It was probably caused from the pain of my wound being cleaned." you retorted.

Prof. X looked at Beast as if to get the answer.

"He's right, but I'll do some tests just in case." Beast said as you cleaned your hand and mouth up.

Later after tests you found out that they all came back negative for anything more serious and you were right.

. . .

Three weeks later 

Your POV:

It was morning and you were on your bed just relaxing and day dreaming when you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in!" you hollered so whoever it was could hear.


(thats right, I pulled that trick out of the hat again.)

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