Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 7

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"Will he.. be alright?" you asked the Prof. who was just making his way over to the couch.

"I'm not sure, he is injured, and I'm not sure how his body will react when injured and exhausted." he answered me solemnly. "But Kurt is a strong boy, I think he'll be ok.....hopefully." he added, putting his head down at the last word. "I don't think we should be moving him right now, so just keep going with your activities if you wish, and inform me if something changes.” Without another word he left.

"Don't you all worry about it, Kurt will be just fine, you all get back to your activities, I'll watch him," Beast told us.

But instead we all said that we wanted to watch him too and figure out what we should do.

"I'll try to heal him again" you said. You put your hands on his leg and concentrated............nothing, you removed your hands, "AHH!, why is this happening?" you questioned. 

"It's not your fault, you just don't have complete control of your healing powers yet." One of them said, but you were too upset to pay attention to who.

You touched Nightcrawler’s hand and all of a sudden everything went black and you and Kurt inhaled sharply in unison, then your eyes started to glow................

WHAT YOU ARE SEEING: (im making past diff.)

There was a boy running, he looked about 9 years old. He had bruises all over him, his clothes were ripped, and he was running from a mob of people with weapons chasing him calling him "Blue Demon".......... it was Kurt. He ran into an alley with a dead end but by then he lost them all except one of them. That one screamed at Kurt, calling him a monster, he had a gun and he rose it in the air pointing it at Kurt, Kurt tried to make an escape but BAM! Kurt was bleeding and there soon was a puddle of blood where his leg ended. The guy then started talking about his parents, saying horrible things, 'STOP IT!' Kurt was crying, 'STOP IT!' he screamed holding his leg whimpering. The guy wouldn't stop and then suddenly Kurt stopped crying, he stood up on his shot leg and his eyes were glowing a deep red. He didn't say anything, he just smiled a creepy smile and sprinted toward the guy like he wasn't even hurt. When Kurt got to the screaming man he punched him hard in the chest (about where his heart should be) and the guy fell to the ground bleeding and ..... he was dead. Kurt just stood there, his eyes went back to gold and he stared at his hand and the dead guy and he fell down crying again from the pain in his leg and of what he had done. 


Kurt teleported for the first time and he showed up in an abandoned church and he passed out on the floor in a big puddle of his own blood.

 You stopped seeing those things and came back to reality as you choked for air, Kurt was lying there breathing hard with his eyes open, you let go of his hand and you started crying into your hands screaming "I'M SO SORRY KURT, I'M SO SORRY." Everyone was staring at Nightcrawler with a horrified confused look. Kurt just looked away.

INTENSE HUH!? please rate :D

 picture: of how he would have looked as a kid brought to you by DEVIANT ART made by Maki Hosaku

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