Chapter One - You ever do that to me again, I SWEAR!

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-// Sarafina's pov //- 

My hands naturally started to shake as I headed towards the entrance of the hospital, me and medical places were not on good terms. Ever since the age of seven when this god forsaken place ripped my mother away from me I held a grudge the size of Big Ben! Most would have thought I would hold a grudge on my younger brother Mark, but no one and I mean NO ONE could be mad at that adorable bundle of super cuteness. Which in fact could be a pain in the AS-- Butt.

Shaking my head attempting to rid myself of the thoughts that were darting around in my mind, I had to be thinking about Caroline no one else, just Caroline. Entering the hospital my stomache lurched, the smell of the place reeked of false hope, tears and death. 

Shuddering I walked towards the front desk, catching my reflection in a window made me inwardly frown. I looked tired, my eyes were heavy with worry. Thankfully when I read the text my body went into overdrive, rushing through my routine missing out on a shower and breakfast, but I did manage to remove the make-up from last night. I didn't apply any fresh on though, what was the need to? I was going to the hospital for Christ sakes to make sure one of my best friends was still breathing! I had no one to impress! I didn't look horrendous *thankfully* but it wasn't one of my best days I would admit. 

Arriving at the desk I forced a polite smile to the woman, not seeing the fakeness she smiled back "Hello, How may I help you?" She questioned, her voice coming out in a perky highness which sent my head reeling in agitation.

Swallowing down the words on my tongue I gave a tilt of my head trying to make myself seem more welcoming "I was wondering if you know what room Caroline Forbes is in?"

The lady quickly looked down on to a sheet of paper before her gaze wandered to the screen of her computer, I could hear the steady click as she typed something in. I waited patiently trying with all my might to refrain from drumming my nails against the counter top.

A habit my father seemed to strongly disagree with, as my thoughts wandered to my dad I couldn't help but give a small smile realising I hadn't told him where I was going, being the over protective numpty he is, he would probably believe I didn't return home last night and was locked away in some psychopaths car. Refraining a giggle I gave a small cough, now seeing I had the receptionists full attention. 

"Caroline Forbes is in room 107" She replied with a small smile and nod. Giving her a grateful look I turned on my heels and walked to the room she told me. Running a hand through my hair I couldn't help but shake the nervous feeling spread through me, my eyes were locked onto the ground not really watching where I was going just trusting my instincts to make sure I walked into no one.

Unfortunately my 'instincts'' decided not to work as I felt my body and face hit into a rock hard pillar, thinking I had ran into a wall I looked up, my icy blue orbs gazing up into ocean blue ones. I instantly recognised who the eyes belonged to, a small disgusted grunt passed my lips as I stepped back. Wanting some distance from the individual. 

Looking to the ground I shook of the stunned worried feeling and replaced it with a look of agitation, I finally glanced up to the one and only... Damon Salvatore. I could see his lips curl up into his trademark smirk, rolling my eyes I scoffed. "Could you perhaps remove your hands from me?" I questioned arching an eyebrow giving him a harsh look. 

Apparently my words only seemed to amuse him, as a chuckle formed through his throat. "Please you meant to do that! You just cant keep your hands off me can you?" He grinned widely, doing that weird smouldering thing with his eyes. His hands removing themselves from my waist. 

I couldn't believe him, he was hitting on me!? He must know that Caroline was in hospital, as that was probably the reason why he was even here, though I don't know why, he was a complete jerk to her. Clenching my jaw tightly, I glared viciously up at him my fists enclosing into small balls by my side. "H-how... I.... You are unbelievable!" My voice came out in a dangerous whisper. You see I didn't shout not when I was angry or sad, in happiness yes! Excitement, of course! But anger and sadness never. Its as if my body wouldn't allow it, so instead I have been told that my voice comes out in a whisper. The angrier I became the quieter I got, and at the moment I was beyond pissed!

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