Chapter 18

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1 week later

For the past week the boys have been very clingy and needy.

I found out from JB that every hybrid was being effected by the blue moon.

And this week was the red moon. I remember when I was younger my brothers were effected by both moons.

The moons only happen every decade.

The red moon makes the hybrids act more animalistic.

So Hoseok and Jungkook are staying in my room this week so they don't get eaten.

I'm kinda scared cause I don't know what's gonna happen this week.

I have to go to the store and I can't leave Jungkook and Hoseok here.

So I'm gonna have to sneak them out. Jungkook was in human form only wearing black shorts.

He was inside a pin so he couldn't escape my room.

He was stuffing his face with carrots.

Hoseok was in the bathtub also in human form.

I'm pretty sure he has no clothes on.

I hear two loud growls. Then a big thud and more growls.

I walk towards the door and Jungkook whines.

I look back at him to see him trying to figure out how to escape the pin.

"I'll be right back Kookie. Just stay put alright?" I say.

I don't wait for a response and I walk out and I door just enough for me to fit through.

I quickly close it behind me and I enter the hallway.

I see Jimin and Taehyung in hybrid form fighting.

"What are you two doing!?" I ask shocked.

They look at me then Taehyung walks up to me and rubs his head on my leg.

I pay his head and I look around the messy hallway.

I look over at Jimin to see him sniffing under neath my door.

He growls at the door then he looks at me.

"Jimin get away from the door." I say in a warning tone.

He looks at me like I'm stupid then he growls at the door again.

"Jimin if you get away from the door I'll give you a kiss." I say trying to bribe him.

He makes a noise at me and gives me a look like he wanted more.

"Ok kisses and I'll scratch behind your ears." I say.

He nods at me the prances over to me with a happy look on his face.

Taehyung growls and stands possessively in front of me.

This starts a new fight. I take a chance and I sneak back into my room.

I quickly close the door and I lock it. I look at Jungkook to see that he is in animal form.

He was staring at me while he was eating celery.

I walk to the bathroom to see Hoseok in animal form. He was getting water everywhere.

"Hobi me, you, and Jungkook are gonna go to the grocery store soon."

I say and he just looks at me while floating on his back.

"So you will have to change back soon." He nods then goes back to playing with his ball.

I walk back into my room to see Namjoon in wolf form with a bunny Jungkook hanging out his mouth.

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