Chapter 3

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    My super annoying alarm wakes me up telling me it's time for work. I try to lift myself up but it's no use arms pull me back down.

   I look over to see a sleeping Jungkook holding me down. I shake him some. "Jungkook let me go." He just hugs me tighter. I try to wiggle out of his grip. "No stay with me." " Jungkook I have to go to work. So let go or I'll get Namjoon." He squeezes me one more time then let's go.

    I go to the bathroom change, put my h/c h/l in a bun and my other everyday things. I go to the kitchen to make a bagel. Once I finish my bagel I grab my phone and purse.

  I tell the boys I'm leaving and begin my journey to work.

~time skip to lunch break ~

   I talk to my co-worker/bestie Jeabum while we eat. We just talk about our hybrids and how I got a new hybrid. Jeabum has six hybrids and they are all so cute.

   "Oppa we should have a hybrid play date again." "Yeah that would be fun we should plan that soon." We get to throw our trash away and go back to work.

    About 30 minutes later my phone goes off. I go to the back room and answer it. "Hel-" "Y/N when are you coming home hyung won't play with me."

   "Jungkook I'll be home in a hour. We can figure something out so you won't be so bored butt I have to go back to work." "Oh Y/N can my friends come live with us they need help and we can help them."

  "Yeah,sure I have to go now bye." "Bye Y/N." He says giving off a little giggle. I hung up and went back to work not realizing what I just got myself into.

   Jungkook's POV

      I got off the phone with Y/N and went to My hyung's room. "Hyung Y/N said we can go get my friends so let's go."  He looks at me then back at the tv.

  "Come on let's go." I put on a hat and pants and give Namjoon a hat. Then I drag him out of the house. And  I take him to the abandoned house my friends stay at.

  We enter the house and are welcomed by a hushed whispering and a low growl. Me and Namjoon hyung walk further into the run down, filthy abounded house.

    The growling gets louder and we follow the noise and it leads us to the back room. I open the door and tell Namjoon hyung to stay there. I walk into the room and I let out a yelp as I'm  tackled to the ground by a lion.

   "Why are you here." A voice growls out. "Wait Jungkook?" "Jungkook are you ok?" Namjoon ask as he comes into the room sees the situation and growls at Taehyung.

  Taehyung gets off me and shift into his human form. Jimin and Taehyung hug me telling me how much they missed me. "Hyung these are my friends Jimin and Taehyung."

   "This is Namjoon hyung. We're here to take you home." "What do you mean home?" Jimin asks tilting his head in confusion. "Y/N said we can take you to live with us."

    "Who is Y/N?" "She is our owner she saved me and hyung. She at work we can go see her." "No Jungkook we cant trust humans." "No I thought the same thing but Y/N is an angel trust me."

   Jimin looks at Taehyung and then nods. "Ok we trust you Jungkook." I smile at them. "Hyung do you know where Y/N's job is?" "Yeah I do."

"Ok lead the way." I bet Y/N will be so happy to see my new friends.

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