Chapter 4

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      When there was about 5 mins left of my shift Jeabum came up to me. "Hey Y/N isn't that Namjoon over there ?" I look to where he's pointing to see Namjoon, Jungkook and two others.

     They just talk to each other like nothings wrong. T give JB a look I start to move from behind the counter but JB grabs my shoulder. "Y/N don't go causing any commotion. I sigh and look back at the hybrids.

  Namjoon looked at me but quickly looked away and continued to talk to the others.

Once my shift was over I walk over to the boys. "What are you doing here? And who is this?" I look at all the boys in confusion a hint of anger in my voice. "Y/N this is Jimin and Taehyung. Guys this is Y/N our owner.

   Taehyung comes up to me and sniffs me. "Mmm Kookie master smells good." He said still sniffing me. "Wait master what is he talking about?" I look at Jungkook he tilts his head and smiles.

"Silly Y/N did you forget already earlier you said my friends could live with us remember?" I think back to when Jungkook called me he started asking questions and I just gave him answers he wanted to hear.

I look back at them I nod. "Yeah I remember now. Let's go home." I look at them jungkook and Taehyung having conversation Namjoon looking at the sky and Jimin looks annoyed his arms crossed over his chest.

I walk ahead of them but I can still hear them talking. "Jungkook are you sure about this? I mean when we showed up at her job she didn't look to happy."

"Of course Jimin she is just a bit crabby from her job." "Well actually Jungkook it's not like her to be mad after work. Are you sure she said we can leave the apartment?"

"Well she didn't say it exactly." "Jungkook last time I left the house without her consent I got a pretty bad punishment." Joonie whines a little. "What was it?" Jungkook ask scared. "She ignored me for hours she just sat in her room with the door locked so I couldn't get in." Namjoon whimpers at the memory.

I stop walking and turn around they stop to and look at me. Jungkook runs and hugs my waist. "Y/N please don't punish us." Jungkook whines  I rub his ears for comfort "I didn't plan on it. Let's just go home."

~time skip~

We arrived the apartment. I got my keys and opened the door. I went to my room to change my clothes. I finish getting  changed and scroll through Instagram.

There's a knock on my door. I walk to the door and open it to see Jimin. "Oh hey Jimin what did you need?" "I wanted to ask you something." I move out the way so he can come in.

He walks in closes the door, and we sit on my bed. "So what did you want to talk about?" "Well I wanted to know if it's okay for me and Taehyung to stay with you. Before you didn't sound to sure about us being here. And we have a past with humans. But I trust you I mea-"

"Jimin of course I want you and Taehyung to stay with us. I promise you that you're safe with me. You'll love it here." Jimin pulls me into a hug silently sniffing my neck. "Taehyung you do smell good." Jimin mumbles. The hug lasted about 2 mins.

"Thanks Y/N." He says while walking out the door. "Oh and Jimin." "Yeah?" "When I come back from the store you and Taehyung are getting a bath." His eyes go wide and I smile. He rushes out the door.

I sigh and grab my purse and coat. I have to get some more food and clothes. I walk to Namjoon's room. "Joonie you guys order pizza while I'm out. I'll be back in like 20 minutes.

"Ok where are you going?" "To the store. Go with the other boys and talk don't break anything bye." I walk out the room. I walk to the front door seeing the other boys in the living room watching cartoons.

"Bye boys." I say walking out the door. I sigh and make my way to the store.

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