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It's been two weeks since Hanzo left me. Lately I felt like dying. Everyday I will vomit and there are one time I pass out during work. I'm glad Claude was there. He take me home and call Lesley for take a good care on me.

I don't know what's wrong with me. My energy will drained quickly and Claude told me to take a rest for a week. Sometimes I feel like I'm cold. My head will hurt and yeah, I am resting now, this whole week.

Lesley is quite busy, but she will try to visit me at least one time a day. If she have free time, she will stay up in my apartment.

I get up from my bed and quickly go to the toilet. I throw up and I'm not feeling well. After I finish, I go back to my bed and lean on it. After an hour, Lesley come and bring me some food.

"Les, this is too much. You know, I'm not into food right now. I feel worse." I said and sit on the bed. She sit beside me and look at me.

"Look, you've been resting this whole week and didn't even heal. I'm gonna take you to the clinic. Even if you like or not I WILL take you there" she said and give me my food.

Ugh, I don't feel like I'm going to the clinic. I hate doctors somehow.

"Les, you know--"

"No no, No excuses. If you still stubborn I will drag you all the way there" she said. I sigh and start to eat. Right after I feed myself a spoon, I repeat, A SPOON, I run to the toilet and throw up.

How can I eat if I keep vomiting like hell?

Lesley- on the door just shook her head and look pity on me.

"You know, since Hanzo left you, you're off. I know it's hurt so much. But you need to continue your life" she said and take me to the bed.

I didn't realize that my tears keep falling until I sleep.



I try my best to update eventho I am busy rn. Thank you for waiting!

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