Special Chapter 1

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Hi Hello!

So I decided to write some special chapters in this story for my FAVOURITE SHIP. Anyway, I realized how poor my writing skills were, grammatical errors were EVERYWHERE and poor usage of vocab... I'm so sorry and I don't even know how you guys bear with it.

I think I can say that my writing is a bit better now. Another thing, it's been a while since I wrote first person so it might look a lil weird. So yeah, enjoy!


The two of us are currently in a car- his car to be exact. I didn't even remember how I got into his place last night, guess he was the one who brought me there. We were on our way to go back to my place as that certain redhead acted differently after I mentioned our son. He looked more cheerful than I ever witnessed.

I shifted my head to look in his direction, observing his side features. It's been 5 years since the last time I met him. His visuals changed a lot which made him more mature and hot, the real definition of 'daddy'. My dirty thought wanted to push him against the seat and took off his shir-

"I know it's been a while, if you really can't wait I can stop the car"

How did he even- Now he's some sort of mind reader or what?

However, listening to his words made my face creep up with heat and probably blush as well. I shifted my head to the window. How embarassing. I wanted to disperse into the air and never come back.

At the same time, I wondered what changed within him besides his visuals as I couldn't tell when it came to his personality and manners just yet. Well, I just met him after all. I hope he is less annoying.

"Don't be stupid. I see, you're still full of yourself, huh" I said which then responded with chuckles. What was he even chuckled for? It sounded like a mock to me.

I decided to stay silent as I looked at the navigation to my house, only 5 minutes away. Lesley sent a message saying that she did pick up Hanaki and brought him home not long ago. I couldn't wait to see Hanzo's reaction. Lesley on the other hand would be flabbergasted when she learnt about this.

"What is he like?" asked Hanzo, breaking the silence. Learning the fact that he was actually interested made me happy.

"He got my black eyes and hair and he got your facial features. About his personality though, since he is still a child, I couldn't tell much with his childish behavior and stuff but I think he's more to my side. And I am grateful for that since if he took yours then it would be such a pain in the ass to handle" I said with a hint of mocking in it.

"Of course, he is more to your personality since he grew up with you... and not me" he said with the last words in a low tone. His reply made me filled with guilt. I didn't mean to upset him at all, it was meant to point out his behavior back in the day. Seems like he took it differently and seriously.

"Hey, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's not your fault. Put that aside as we will meet him soon" he said as he cut my words.

We were finally on the road to my house as it was only several meters away. But it seems like it didn't look that good?

I could see Lesley with one of her hands holding a phone as she placed it on her ear, probably calling someone.

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