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I put all of my stuff in the locker. I do the stretches and try to calm my self. I can do it! I just need to think positive and focus. That's it!

I have 3 minutes before the match begin. I need to enter the court now. I walk to the door and I can feel the nervousness become worst.

Suddenly someone pull my hand. I step back and look at the person.

"H-Hanzo?" I stammerd. He's suddenly popped up here.

"You forgot about your weights again, fool" he said and open my wrist weights. Oh my god I'm totally forgot about it. After he finish open the weight, I open my ankle weights.

He help me for the other leg. Why he suddenly do this?

"Well, thank you for remind me again about this weights" I said and look at him. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Do your best" He said. That three word, even the simplest sentence make my heart flutter. All my nervousness disappear. I smile at him.

"Thank you, I'll defeat her" I said and I hug him. I don't know why I hug him, but I feel confidence and my strength build up. He fill my heart. I can do this.

"Hanabi and Akari, please be ready" The speaker echoed the room.

"I need to go" I said and let him go. I walk enter the court and put my brave face. There she is, Akari. We bow to each other and the match started.

I put on my ready position and she start attacking me. I dodge it and wait for her second attack. I need to observe her skills. She try to punch me and I dodge the attack.

Her movements are a little bit slow but her strength are good. I smirk. I know..

I know that she's no match with me. With my movements, my strength and my skill that Hanzo thaught me. I'll finish her.

I'm ready to take action, I'll make sure that Hanzo satisfied with me.


Teach Me ; HanaZo ✔ [MLBB]Where stories live. Discover now