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After the school ended, I stop at the atm machine to check my account bank balance. I'm sure that our boss already bank in my salary.

As I check my balance. I'm shock. That's much?!

Before this my account bank was $1350 and now it is $5000. Wait whattt?! My salary is only around $1000.

Is my boss crazy or what?

I rush go to the cafe.

"Hey Hanabi, congrats for winning yesterday!" Claude said.

"Hey Claude. Thank you" I said and walk towards my boss office.

I knock on the door.

"Come in"

I walk and sit at the chair.

"What is it Hanabi?" Said Franco, my boss.

"I just want to ask you,  did you transfer the right amount of my salary?" I ask.

"Yes I am. Here" He show me the receipt.

Franco does transfer the right amount. It's weird. How can there're a lot of money in my account?


I got a phone call from Hanzo. I accept the call.

"Yes Hanzo?"

"Let's take a rest for a week. So no training in this week alright"

"O-okay I got it" I said.

"goodnight" he said.

"g-goodnight too. sleep well" I said. Fuck stop stuttering stupid mouth.

It's still awkward from that incident. I'm always wondering why tf he do that. The way he lick his finger and his stare.

It's tempting so much.

I shook my head. I do the facepalm.

"what's wrong with me" I said to myself as I walk to back to my apartment. Maybe I'm too tired? I need a rest.

That's feeling is weird and I hate it. It's make me confuse so much. I place my hand to my chest. Why if he is around me my heart feels weird and sometimes happy.

What with this feelings?


Teach Me ; HanaZo ✔ [MLBB]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant