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I wake up and my head still at Hanzo's lap. I sit down and look at Hanzo. He's awake and he look tired. I reach for my water bottle and drink it.

"You're not sleeping last night?" I ask. He shook his head.

"You must be tired. Why you do this?" I ask again.

"Who knows danger come for us at the night" Hes said and yawn.

"Why don't you wake me up so we can change the shift" I said.

"You better have a good rest" He said again.

"I'm so sorry Hanzo. You should sleep now. You need a rest too " I said. I wake the rest up. Hanzo lean on the tree and close his eyes. He must be tired.

"That ass still sleeping?" ask Haya.

"You dumb, he guard all of us at the night. He didn't sleep at all" I said and give Haya a glare.

"What a nice of him" said Kagura and look pity at him.

"Okok fine my bad" Haya said, raised two of his arm.


"Hehe I'm sorry but I'm hungry right now" Haya said and rub his belly.

"I wanna go home" Kagura said.

"Let's hoping that they'll find us today" I said.


It's almost 24 hours we're here and they didn't find us. All of us just wait and wait. Kagura lying down, she said that she's tired. I look at her. She close her eyes.

Her lips dried up. I try to wake her up.

"Kagura? are you alright?" I ask. She didn't respond.

"Kagura you okay?" Ask Haya and shake her.

"Judge by her look, she must be dehydration. We need to find more water" Hanzo said. I stay with her, Haya and Hanzo search for water because we can hear the river not so far away.

I give her our water. She finally wake up and still weak. After a moment, they come back and bring the water.

We use the stone and filter it. After that we lit up fire and boiled the water. Fortunately my water bottle is zink so it can be use to boil the water.

"Fuck where are they" said Haya, piss off.

Suddenly we notice something in the bushes. It's an animal there. As the animal get out off the bushes we freak out. It's a wolf!


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