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"See you later Haya, I need to pick up Hanaki at the kindergarten. Tell Kagura I say Hye" I said.

"Okay, see you" Haya said. I walk to my car and drive to the kindergaten. As soon as I got there, I get out frok my car and walk to Hanaki's classroom.

There are several students there and their teacher waiting for the parents to pick up their children. I greet the teacher and Hanaki run towards me and hug me. Then, we walk back to my car.

"How was your day sweetie?" I said and look at Hanaki.

"Good, my friends are so nice" He said and smile. He's so cute. Since today is my freetime. Im gonna take this boy see the world.

"Where are you wanna go? I will take you there"


Of course, it's the most common answer that I will get from him.

"Okay, but do you hungry?" Honestly, I am the one who's hungry. I want to eat right now.

"Not too hungry. I'm fine but I want ice cream" he said again.

"Okay then" I said and drive to the restaurant. As I reach the spot, I order some meal and of course ice cream for Hanaki.

We don't do anything rare, we just talking and eating. But yeah, he always ask question that make me feel bad and guilty.

"Where's papa? When he will come. I want to see him mama. All my friends has their own father and mother. I want to see him too" he said and look sad.

This kind of question really makes me bad.

"You know, he's far away but he's always in our heart. Just wait honey, you will see him one day. Trust papa and mama okay" I said and hug him.

"Finish your ice cream, let's go to the playground" I said and try to cheer him up. He smiled and finish his ice cream quickly.


Teach Me ; HanaZo ✔ [MLBB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें