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I wish I can take a picture when he's laughing.

He look at me. He raise his eyebrow. I shook my head means nothing . I keep stare at him. Our face getting close to each other. The tension building up.

"zzzzzz" Haya's snore snap me out. But deep in my heart, I want to kill him right now. I go back to make my space between Hanzo become wider.

"W-well goodnight" I said to him and roll my body, my back is facing him.

As I fall asleep, I can feel an arm wrap my body and I feel warmer and safer.


"Hanabi wake up" Hanzo said and shake my body lightly.

"come on we can be the first group, we'll get extra point right?" Hanzo said. Since when he care about the camp?

I just keep quiet. Fuck off with the extra point.

"Oh you don't want to wake up?" he whisper to my ear. That sends shiver to my spines. He place his face on my neck.

"wake up now~" he said seducingly.

My eyes opens and sit. I look at Hanzo and he giggle a little bit. My body getting hoter. Just wait, revenge is sweet.

I wake Kagura up. I look at Haya. He's the real problem when wake up in the morning.

"Haya wake up" I said and shake his body hardly.

"5 minutes" he said and fall asleep.

"wake up bastard!" I said and punch his face.

"A-auch Hanabi that's hurt" he said and rub his face.

"Get ready we'll be the first group in this morning" I said.

"Okay fine" He said and lazyly get ready


"Okay for today, we're going to do jungle trekking. Please stay on you group. Each group will get a map. Use it wisely and never lose the map or else you'll be lost. We give you a cloth. Why I give this? Okay, you need to search for a rare species of plants and wrap it using this cloth. Understand?!"

"Yes sir!" All of us said and we take a look at the map. Why the cloth is hella big? Did him want us to take the whole plants or what?

"Okay some reminder to you guys. If you ever lost in the jungle just stay at the place. We'll find you guys there. If need, make a tent using branches and leaves. Bring a water bottle each of you. I think thats all. Clear?" Said Karina.

"Yes" all of us said and Kagura scan the map. She's pretty good in memorizing thing. She's the top student in our school.


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