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I see that guy turn left. I start catching him up and follow his direction. Fuck, he is too fast. I turn on the left and shit. Which way he go. There 3 small road that separated.

I heard a man screaming and follow the voice. I run and stop. Im shocked what just happened. That guy in the green shirt has been beated and lying on the road and it's a dead end.There's a guy with red hair stand beside him.

Suddenly a person grab me from behind and try to pull me away.

"Be a nice girl and follow me!" He said. Is he one of his partner?

"Don't ever dream that I'll follow you asshole!" I said and grab his body and use my strength to smack his down on the road.

I step on his chest and give him a kick on his face. That red hair guy just stare at us. I can't see his face well because he's wearing a hoodie and a mask.

I can hear a van come and stop. There's about 6 people come out. It must be their gang. I pull up my sleeve and ready to beat them up.

The red hair guy stand calmly beside me. The 6 of them run toward us with a baseball bat in their hands. Some of them hold a long metal rod.

The first person come toward me and swing his baseball bat on my head. I dodge his attack and grab his head and smack it towards my knee. The red hair guy fight with the other person.

wait-wait is that karate?

I can feel a person run toward my back.

"watch out girl, you're spacing out" the red hair guy said.

"i know that, you don't need to tell me" I said and dodge from the attack. I jumped and give that person a kick to his head.

after several minutes, all of them knocked out.


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