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What do you think would have happened if we stayed broken up?
If we ended up separated and not together?
Do you think we would have stayed friends like, we talked about?
Would we have never talked again?

You are my first and longest love...
I've grown accustomed to your antics...
Whether good or bad I've come to terms with that fact you are as good as I can get.

I deserve more?
I deserve less?
I don't deserve anything at this point.
You've seem to grow accustomed to my antics as well.
Is this a good or bad thing?

People who get out of 10+ year long relationships don't want to have to get accustomed to this new being.
It's to much work to have to remold a person to your liking or to your sense of familiarity.

Is 3 years too long?
Is 3 years too short?
Is it enough to know someone properly?
Even when you barely see each other?
Is a weekend enough to understand how you are?
Is a Sunday afternoon enough to talk about our future?

Why is it you can sleep fine as I'm sitting in the same room as you with tears down my face?
Why is it still so hard for me to just wake you up when something is wrong?
Why is it that even if we sleep in the same bed I feel like we're miles apart?

Maybe it's 'cause I know you don't get enough sleep and I don't want to disturb you.
But should I still be afraid to wake you up?
Aren't you supposed to be there for me?
Aren't I supposed to be in bed too?

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