Already Gone

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Trigger warnings: mentions of suicide, suicide, cutting.

Thomas was singing, a soft melody. Minho heard the song and wondered why Thomas was singing such a sad song. He knew his friend had lots of difficult times but this seemed too real.

Newt heard a faint voice, a soft melody. He couldn't quite pick out the words, but the song sounded sad. Sad but beautiful. He couldn't help thinking about his Tommy and how it sounded like him singing. This put a smile on Newt's face.

Thomas decided enough was enough, he had to stop causing others pain for once. Even though Newt seemed happy, Thomas knew he wasn't. He couldn't be happy when with Thomas.

Newt heard the voice stop, then some shuffling around, it was late at night. Why was Tommy taking so long to get to Newt, he said he'd be gone a minute. Right then Tommy walked up to Newt and smiled at him.

Thomas saw the bright, beautiful honey eyes and smiled, Newt's fluffy blonde hair fell in his face, Newt's smile was twice as charming and lit up his face, Thomas thought it was so cute. This can't last, he thought to himself.

Newt saw the clouded chocolate eyes and worried, Tommy's smile had faltered, he wondered what was going on in his head. Why is he so nervous? What was going on?

Thomas looked over at Newt, seeing the doubt in his eyes, he had noticed Thomas' actions, the slight falter of the smile when he worried or when he was nervous.

Newt knew everything about his Tommy, except one thing, why he was always worried, as if he worried Newt would get up and leave randomly, which he'd never do.

Thomas giggled lightly and saw Newt being pulled out of his thoughts to smile at Thomas.

"What ya gigglin' at?"

"You're just really cute when you think."

"Thanks, Tommy."

Tommy, that nickname made the whole zoo run around Thomas' stomach, filling him with joy and hope. It. Won't. Last. He told himself yet again. It. Can't. Last.

Newt saw the frustration on Tommy's face and got up and hugged Tommy tightly, "What's gotten ya so frustrated. Does someone need to go?"

"No, no, it's fine, just, I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me Tommy."

"I love you Newt."

"I love you too Tommy"

As they tried to get to sleep, both of them stayed wide awake, neither aware the other was still up.

Thomas started singing,
"Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even with our fists held high
It never would have worked out right
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
It started with the perfect kiss then
We could feel the poison set in
"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
So I'm already gone
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye."

Newt had no idea what the words meant, but realised it was the song Tommy was singing earlier. Thomas wasn't okay. Then Newt heard a faint, "I love you Newtie."

Thomas then left, but he heard the soft, "I love you too Tommy." it broke his heart into a million pieces thinking he'd have to leave Newt. But it was for the best.

That night Thomas never returned and Newt couldn't get to sleep, worried and anxious about Thomas.

The next morning Minho ran to find Newt, who had gotten up earlier to get some early breakfast. After finding Newt he gushed out a million things at once and Newt told him to slow down and start from the beginning.

"'s about Thomas." Newt almost cried at just those words.

"What a-about T-Tommy?"

"H-he, uh-um, he, he c-committed s-s..."

"W-what d-did he d-do Minho?" Newt now had tears cascading down his cheeks and falling on the floor, he couldn't hold himself together. Everything breaking at once. His knees buckled under pressure and Minho held him close.

"He committed su-suicide."

"No! No, no, no. He didn't. YOU'RE LYING TO ME!" Newt was screaming and shouting not believing a single word.

"I'm not l-lying." Tears of his own started rolling down Minho's face.


"Cuts, e-everywhere, he m-must've b-bled out. M-med-jacks c-couldn't save h-him."

"No." Newt couldn't stand it any more, he was crying and sobbing and his body shook uncontrollably, his Tommy, dead. His Tommy wouldn't be able to see Newt, wouldn't be able to see anything. Newt wouldn't be able to see his Tommy's smile, his Tommy's eyes or his Tommy.

Newt couldn't stand this anymore and ran, slower by his limp, but couldn't care less. He needed to get away.

A few months passed, Newt was only getting worse, Minho noticed it and tried to help him, but Newt was beyond saving.

Newt tried every night to kill himself, but Minho stopped him every time.

Finally Minho realised, it wasn't going to stop, he couldn't let this carry on, he could only let Newt go, in hopes he'd be happier when he found Thomas again.

That night when Newt got the blade, the very blade Tommy had used, and started cutting, deep, no one came to stop him, his tears flowing freely past the dark circles under his eyes and his disheveled, sweaty hair plastered against his face.

Minho sat and cried. Newt laid on the bed, dead. He just hoped his two best friends were together and happy, they both deserved love.

They were already gone.

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