Chapter 31

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I wake up in sudden jolt. "I'm innocent", I screech, my breathing harsh inhaling as much oxygen as possible. Gazing around the room, the room I was still in! Not in a jail cell, not in a federal agent's car, but in my bed, I mean Matt's bed.

Memories flash of the previous day, Matt's pregnant sister visited with her young son Isaac. The whole phone incident, and the rage that consumed Mathew. I gulp. His anger was becoming a major issue, and I needed to address it fast otherwise I couldn't help him deal with his issues.

When his friend Michael arrives, hopefully all will be sorted and I'll return back to school and attempt to finish or piece back the remaining weeks of my HSC. No big deal, I was way ahead.

Placing my head back onto the pillow, I glance up towards the white coating of the paint finish that was imminent on the room roof. White, was a colour? A tone? A symbol of purity and innocence?

I was no longer innocent, no longer pure, but was classified like the most of people in society, normal or sinful.

I exhale loudly of air freeing my lungs from the concentrated amount of carbon dioxide and other impurities and taking in a vast quantity of oxygenated air. My harsh breathing reflective of my anxiety and trauma, I shouldn't be even be permitted to stress this much, it was like against the laws of nature. I look over to the corner of the room, the clock read three am. Wasn't this always the time paranormal activity occurred, some demon or spirit would haunt the inhabitant of the house. I gulp afraid, oh who was I kidding! I'm a man, and we don't fear this stuff.

The Sydney heat was prominent in the atmosphere, my mouth dried and my body dehydrated, I needed water!

Exiting the room I walk down the hall way to the small kitchen careful not to make any rattling and awaken the hulk in his sleeping beauty phase. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge pulling a chair out from under the table, and sit. Just sitting and gawking into space, restless on the chair, slumped downwards on the chair.

Really! Is this what your life has become Daniel, a life dictated by some individual using you as toy because he was bored, what was I really doing here? I was here to help Matthew, aid him so he wouldn't go over the rails like a homicidal-lust maniac. I was here for a purpose to help someone else, why couldn't I ever be selfish and help myself? I was entitled to it was I not? Why am I always oppressing my desires and opportunities for the sake of someone else?

I continue to gawk about until I was disturbed by a cold hand on my shoulder, I was frightened immediately alarmed by intermediate danger. "Danny relax, it's just me," Matt says reassuringly. I attempt to calm myself down.

He gazes down at me, eyes wide open, helpless and lost for thought almost worried about my state of mind, "are you okay Danny?"

Looking up at him, I nod my head to reassure him I was okay. "Go back to sleep, it's late, " he dictates.

I stand up attempting to walk back to my room but pause. 'Why am I always oppressing my desires and opportunities for the sake of someone else?' was all that played over and over in my head.

"Matthew, what's going to happen?" I ask intuitively turning around to face him.

"What do you mean?" he asks puzzled, lost.

"I mean, what is our future like, what are we going to be doing next week, next month, next year, next decade?" questioning him in a rushed manner.

His face was expressionless, and then his thinking face had replaced the former. A small smile had formed on his face. "We're going to be together, you and I just like now, Goodnight!"

Could I be able to stay like a hostage all this time, I was going to crack, I needed to see people, see friends, see family, and see life.

"But you will be able to go about your everyday life," he says almost as if he was reading my mind!

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