Chapter 8

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The room is dark, early morning has arrived the sun not shining, the thick clouds and hazy conditions block all its rays. Rain is pouring heavily against the ground and roof, it was a cold day quite common during summer. I turn over and there he is, the love of my life sleeping, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, and his breathing rigid and heavy. Today was Sunday, he was home today and it was just going to be us and the baby, one small happy family. There was something about this weather that I liked, I think it was the isolation from society, staying in the warmth inside and away from the deserted streets since people have covered for shelter, not one car on the road. This was amazing, silence, me and my thoughts against the noise of the droplets that formed on the window. Perhaps I’ll bake today, it was dark outside. I hoped it would rain tomorrow, that meaning Alex had no work and again like today we would be together. There are things I didn’t realise about Alex, little things that one does not pick up on during the separate couple phase; these minor details are only picked up during marriage since you basically are living together. I close my eyes hoping to get me sleep, it prevails and I drift off into the dream world.

I wake up, pick my phone up and look at the time, 9:30am. I get out of the bed walking into the bathroom, thankfully the baby only woke me up once in the middle of the night. I quickly remember my pregnancy pill, I must take it the same time every day, I walk over to my cupboard and beside my clothes the bottle is hidden. I make sure not to alert Alex, he doesn’t know about this, it was my duty to take these so I wouldn’t fall pregnant and I knew the animosity Alex had towards condoms. I swallow the pill drinking from the bathroom tap, I feel arms around my waist gripping tightly and dragging me into him. “What were you taking Georgie?” Alex asks curiously.

“Nothing”, I play dumb.

“What do you mean nothing, what were you taking Georgie”, he says seriously.

“Alex, seriously relax. What am I going to be taking? Illicit drugs for example,” I say defensive.

Alex stares at me, his eyebrows up.

“It was just a panadol tablet, my head hurts a bit”, I lie.

“Oh, are you sure your okay baby. Maybe you should go back to bed,” he tells me.

I smile.

“Alex, I’m fine really”. “Plus whose going to feed the baby”, I say smirking lifting my eyebrows. He puts his hands up in defeat, comes over and pecks my forehead. Let’s go eat breakfast.

I clear the plates after breakfast, wiping down the benches and checking on Samuel changing his diapers and cleaning him up. I hold to my chest careful not crush him, his small frame in my arms, his head leaning against my chest and the sound of my beat heart compressed to his ears felts as if we were one, we were connected. I feel Alex place his muscular arms around my waist pulling me into him his crouch rubbing against my backside. We were all encompassing each other, one happy family. Alex whispers into my ear “Can’t wait to have the next one”. I gulp visualising my acts of deceit, I should have been honest with him, but no to find out that he takes full charge of our unprotected sex demonstrating his typical male dominance and how he can want or have a child anytime he wants, he doesn’t advice me or ask me how we’ve prevented pregnancy so far, off course not, does he even know what a woman’s ovum cycle is or that being in my place and not on the pill would’ve fallen pregnant quickly? I shake away the matter thanking God that my head was facing my backside and couldn’t see my expression.

“What’s wrong, why didn’t you answer,” he asks.

“Nothing’s wrong. One day,” I respond.

“Or... We can just fuck now,” he says biting my ear, his breathing becoming heavier, and his exhalation of air dampening my right ear.

My iPhone message alerts. I giggle and squirm out of his hold.

“Here take your son,” I say turning around and giving Samuel, he takes him and lifts him into the air, he loved being a dad.

I exit the room into the corridor walking towards the kitchen picking up my phone to read the message.

Blocked (2):

He makes such a good father doesn’t he?

Too bad he doesn’t deserve them...


I look at my phone shocked, who is this person sending me messages; it’s not a spam company, its someone always talking about him. Why him? They speak of him so lowly, as if he’s done something wrong, done something that is beyond ordinary. What has he done? No wonder he hasn’t been himself lately these past few months. Something is up, and this person is either writing bullshit to destroy our relationship or trying to reveal something. My heart was beating at a hasty rate; I was worried, scared and even emotional. What was going on? What was I going to do? Should I tell him? No. I want to investigate, I can’t let anything go wrong, I need to get to the bottom of this, but then I’m facing trust issues with Alex, do I believe him, why don’t I just dismiss the message, what does Alex have to hide, I gulp, for the first time in our relationship, I was having trust issues.

I put the phone down after deleting the messages, walking around the kitchen area anxious, awaiting something to happen. It clicks in. How did the sender of the message describe him as a good father, after I left him playing with the baby! The messages are real, they’re real, someone is watching us! Someone was there watching us from the window, staring at what we were doing. Oh no. I inhale and exhale deeply. There was nothing I could do much, nothing I can say or think. I dismissed it. I didn’t want to think about it hoping for the anonymous message sender to leave us alone.

I get out of my Rav4 parking opposite the ATM machine, the weather was still wet, and I didn’t want to travel far from the car and get wet. I wait in line at the machine. It’s my turn at the machine taking my wallet and looking for my card, damn!  I must have placed it in my other bag last time I withdrew money. There was another card in my wallet, Alex’s and I’s joint bank account, the one he told me never to use unless it was for emergencies, this account we deposited money into every month saving up for leisure activities and other luxuries. I contemplate him warning me cautiously not to use it, there was $250,000 in it, what was $100 removal going to do? Alex wasn’t going to notice. Placing the card into the slot I enter my pin. Selecting the balance enquiry, sector my mouth drops.



Where? Where was the money, there was $20,000 missing. Where is it? What did Alex do? What did the bank do? I quickly cancel the transaction and remove my card.  Just as I turn around my phone sounds. Looking forward I pray it wasn’t the anonymous sender. I take a glimpse at the screen.

Blocked (2):

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world

It’s time like this, lyrics come in handy.

His worth nothing honey,

if he can’t be trusted.

Oops. I wonder what he did with all that money Georgie.

I gasp. Look up my filling with tears, what was happening to me? I look around, are they here? How do they know? It was all confusing. I knew what I need to do. They were giving me hints, information and I wasn’t going to ruin their game nor was I going to ruin my expedition, I was going to find out the truth about Alex one way or another, but I just had to play smart and not lead him onto anything. I get into the car and flea the area, did I love Alex? Yes. Did I trust him? No. Would I leave him if matters came to worse? I stare out of the wind shield, the car coming to a stop at the red traffic light thinking, me and Alex leaving each other, what will people say, what will my parents think? What will his family think? My friends, his friends? My son, would he grow up to a broken family. I dismiss this thought, I was jumping into conclusions, Alex might be innocent and I’m judging his straight in the open. I need evidence, how was I going to get the evidence, well that I was clearly unsure of.

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